the soldiers journey to home | Teen Ink

the soldiers journey to home

January 12, 2014
By Chuck23 GOLD, Des Moines, Iowa
Chuck23 GOLD, Des Moines, Iowa
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
There is nothing to fear but fear itself.- Franklin D. Roosevelt

I write this letter to you mom and pop in the hopes you may receive this and send me with news from back home as soon as you can. things over here have gone well as good as they can be…. we have finally moved closer and closer to the enemies lines. but my will like river in the summer is starting to dry up. I feel like a hour glass reaching the end. we are in an endless race against time as we push and push with no end and sometimes I feel it is to much.

but enough about me hows the family doing. I sure miss them a lot. hows sparky doing is his eye healing well after the accident. I wish I was there. to comfort him. there
is my sergeant order us around like we are salves. I wonder if he knows. the pain. that I feel tragically in side an ocean building up. sometimes I wonder what would have been different if I stayed. love. would you still love me. I wish I knew. they say I could be home soon.

I dont believe them. but who knows how I will get home. I feel. this pressure in my chest that grasps my well being. I really dont believe. I hurt a lot. the change in the day. they catch up to an eventual end.

when I dream. I dream in heaven. I do not wait in my sleep. I wonder hows dog doing still well. but will I change. does he still love me. I have convulsions my hands. the knife head cuts me with the blood spilling out of my life. I wish to be were the fields are.

I want to know the changes. youll see in me. I wait. the time never stops. all of me is red covered in thick memories of the lost. I am lost like the dog in the field. filled with holes. I really hope I am loved.

I guess I will write more. I wish the theater will never close. it is old but it is still alive. am I loved. like this landmark am I treasured in time like the rocks ever moving in the field. like earth. Like heaven. I wish I knew. I grow longer every day I move the lines burn my face. the water stings like bees on my head. I push to far.

God only knows life. my superior laugh. they jest at open wound. that time doesnt forget. I love them. the memories that I share with them hardships I face.

the food hurts my stomach while maggots eat my flesh. they love me. will the dog. remember me. if I came back today. I shuffle my feet in sand inching forward. it is true it is endless. trickling on away with every move. they burn my feet. I wonder will I be a different man. I will be taller. I will stretch to were my bones ache. they to ache. I wish they wouldnt.

am I forgotten. am I the old drunk with pain in his heart. do I remember the time. I went to the movies. I remember the war on the tv. I experience that I would say. time eats me now.

I promise I will keep it short. the pages are blank with…. I wish youd forget. am I loved. will time forget. I want my life to be in ease. this growing feeling. I need closure. am I in good memories. I itch with more. tightening as it grows shorter. I just need to know.

my dog tags I will put in. with my letter. the words I wrote. Mom and Pop, Am I loved? written in ink. I am ready. time can cause no more pain. I am loved. God only knows.

The author's comments:
This piece is a stream of consciousness of a soldier writing home to his parents. This story was inspired by the song Nimrod in "Enigma Variations" composed by Edward Elgar


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