Dark Future (Part I) | Teen Ink

Dark Future (Part I)

December 10, 2013
By Aryany BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
Aryany BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Not all Darkness is equal to evil as Not all Light is equal to good.
Many dreams my falter but the only was to fail it to give up.

Part I
I can’t tell you why or how, but I am not a normal human, I don’t think I am even human at all. I am what some people would call a freak or a spawn from Hell. I was not born this way. Unlike some people this power was given to me. My name is Mecana and I am a meda-human.
May 12, 2012
“Well gang, we have another contract, and this one is from the Dark-One.” Stefania said.
“Okay who does the boss wants us to take out this time” Ricky yawned as he sat up from the couch.
”No one” I said waiting for the ‘wow really’ look from the gang.
“What is the Dark-One crazy or something”, Quella asked.
“Well not really she wants us to try to get a new member” Stefania grumbled.
“Can Zayden say something” asked Zayden
“Go on Zay” Ricky said all sleepy like.
“Zayden would like to know what her name is”.
“I don’t know I know only what she looks like”. Stefania said
Three days later
“Mecana, will you come back to earth please?” Rena snapped.
“I am sorry sis, but I don’t really want to talk to you right now,” I whimpered but tried to hide it.

“Well sorry I was just trying help you. You know what happen to Reku and all.”
Right then some thing snapped in side of me.
“ Now you little wrench what happen to Reku is killing me in side okay and I don’t know what I am going to do about it so just go away, I….. Just want to be alone so please just go” I said yelling then faded in to a whisper. Rena walks out of my room slowly like I had just stabbed her in the chest.
”Well if you need to talk I will always be here for you.”

I sat wishing that this would all go a way; I could not stand being in this room where Reku and I spent all our time together. So I jumped out of my window. Landing clean on my feet, then I ran and ran. I had no clue what I was doing or where I was going, but all I knew was that I could not take the pain of losing Reku. After a while I stop to take a breath and then I realized where I was. I was at the park where I first meat him. Then I saw the swing where he first kissed me, I could still feel his lips on mine. But all of that was cloud the pain of losing him and how he was killed. When I was done crying laid down in the middle of the grass is was soft. I closed my eyes and slipped off in to a deep sleep but I was not completely a sleep, when the wind stared to pick up and I heard a faint whisper. I try to sit up but I could not it was like some thing was holding me down. But I could not figure out what because there was nothing on me but yet I could not get up. The bright blue sky went to a light gray then to a dark black. It was like I was transported to different world with out even moving. I was brought to my feet, but I did not do it myself something else did. When I was steady on my feet I saw a person. I could not see his face and I could not move. The whole world stared to spin and then nothing. I woke up in the park on the grass where I was before I fell a sleep but I had a black feather in my hand. I was very beautiful and had little blue spots

“Hello I am Quella.” I turn around to see a 3 foot little girl with tight blond curls stand there and a blond little boy next to her
“Well I found you and the Dark-One would like you to be one of us!” Quella said with joy in her voice.
” Zayden knows that she is not one well not yet, yes Zayden knows.”
“What do you two mean?”
I was so lost and I really wanted to know what they where talking about. QUELLA, don’t freak her out we need her to stay calm.” A really cute and tall boy said.
But Ricky I was just talking to her
He was at least 6’3 with dark brown hair and to die for ember eyes. He had on a white T-shirt with a black leather jacket and black jeans. At the last second is when I realized that all three of them have a mark on their hand but not all of them were the same. As I was rambling to my self there was a voice that came out of a tree from behind Ricky.
“Well Quella we need her to stay calm so she dose not over lode her powers” said the voice.
Then a girl jump out of the tree and landed right in fount of me, which knock me to the ground.
“Who the hell are you people?” I demanded.
“We are a group that the Dark-One want you to be in and I don’t know why I mean I am here and all so what is perfect about you ” she said as she help me up.
“Okay that dose not tell me any thing” muddling under my breath.
“Zayden can hear you” said the smallest boy said
Okay I was so totally lost. Plus every thing that was going on with Reku I just don’t know what I was going to do everything was so messes up I did not want to be in this world any more. I stared to feel really light headed and getting tunnel vision. Then I stared to collapse and then some one caught me so I would not hit my head on the ground and everything went black. I think I was dreaming but I was not a hundred percent sure. There was an amazing and beautiful lake in front of me, the water was clear. So clear that you could all the way to the bottom and the animals in it. A nice cool breeze that was cooling the summer’s heat, soft lush green grass that I could lay of forever. If this was a dream I did not want to wake up. But then the unthinkable happens the same person that gave me the feather from the last dream stepped out of the forest on the other side of the lake

“You are the one that will save this world that is why you are here”

His voice was eerie and some what inviting. I don’t know what is was about him but I felt like I have known him a long time.

“But what am I am suppose to do” I was almost in tears

He just walk back in to the forest and left me there if this was a dream I want to wake up and every thing go back to the way it was when I had Reku and every thing was perfect, and with a glimpse at the moon I knew this was not a dream.

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