Comet | Teen Ink


September 5, 2013
By ChloeJG SILVER, Valencia, Other
ChloeJG SILVER, Valencia, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Like a comet, she blazed up the entire world and left them for a couple of millenniums or so. In those mere 4 seconds of her performance, she turned every pessimist into a puddle of rainbows, every ill-minded man into a flower and every harmer into a butterfly. That was her effect on everyone, and me.

She always told me that “to desire the extraordinary, one does not necessarily have to despise the ordinary.” I looked into her eyes and felt all the security and kindness in the world embracing my soul. I was aware of what she’s been through and trust me, if you knew half of the things she’s overcome in life, you’d cry every time you saw her smile.

Everything was brighter, easier, more peaceful with her. “It’s when you accept everything life offers with open hand that you really begin to live,” she used to say. “The air smells lighter day by day, the sun shines brighter each coming day.” The words she carefully recited to me as a child never made sense, until now.

This life has a lot in store for all of us and I’ve certainly learned a lot. There’s no ultimate lesson or purpose. Just us humans stuffing as much as we can into the little time we have, like a turkey in Thanksgiving.

If the comet doesn’t find you, you might have to become one yourself.


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