The Worst Nightmare | Teen Ink

The Worst Nightmare

July 23, 2013
By JoanMarie15 BRONZE, San Diego, California
JoanMarie15 BRONZE, San Diego, California
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
“People haven't always been there for me but music always has.”

― Taylor Swift

I was really tired from doing my chores at my house, and basically it was time to go to bed. It was late also, so my mom and my dad went to bed. I left my window wide open because it was a really hot night. I lay in my bed and usually it takes at least 10 minutes to me to fall asleep; the ten minutes passed and I was already sleeping. It was a quiet night, no sound, just wind that made my curtains wave back and forth. But…I heard something like a scream, a scary scream. I woke up, and I realized that I was sweating and breathing so fast as if I had run a mile. I thought that the scream was a dream, but then…I heard another scream that came out from the house next to mine. Then I realized that something was not right, I heard more screams from other houses, so many screams. I went downstairs and I saw my mom and my dad packing stuff in a big baggage, stuff for the three of us. My mom said, “Thanks god you are awake, we have to hurry up!’’. And then I was like, “What’s going on dad, why are you putting me a mask in my face?”, “Because there’s an epidemic or sort of a disease” said my dad. I was really scared, then I looked out by the window and I saw people eating people, like zombies eating people or something like that. Then, I took my dog in my arms and I started to cry, I was really scared. My mom finished packing, and she took me by my arm so hard that I know what she meant, it meant to be as close as I can by her and by my dad. We got in the car, and my dad drove the car in a high speed, but I knew what he was doing, he was a military father and I heard my mom saying that we were heading to the Naval Base. “Mom, what is happening?” I asked. But she shushes me, raising the volume of the radio. “It seems that the Ebola virus epidemic has spread throughout the state of California. It is suggested that uninfected individuals seeking a place of refuge away from California, or go to the naval base, do what you can for your safety. God bless America.” said the reporter in the radio. I understood what was happening, and I saw it with my own eyes. When we arrived the naval base, there were millions of people trying to pass, but they needed to be checked by a machine that tells you if you are infected or not. We were still in the car and my dad tried to call my grandpa, “Crap, he is not answering the phone” said my dad and then he hit his wrists in the wheel, he was worried and mad. My mom started to stress because she didn’t know if grandma was fine. Then, a cop knocks the window and told us to get out of the car. We took our stuff, I took my dog in my arms, and my dad grabbed my shirt and my mom grabbed my arm. I felt a lot safer, but I saw people running and behind those people I saw sick people running really, really fast and jumping into the people that were trying to escape. I screamed, and then my dad, mom and I ran as fast as we can to get inside the base. But…it was too late for my dad. I screamed so loud, I never screamed that loud in my life. I cried; my daddy was dying because of the bites, but he said, “RUN, DON’T STOP RUNNING. I LOVE YOU GUYS”. Then he turned into one of those things minutes later after he died. My mom grabbed me harder, and we ran. My mom was crying painfully, and I was sobbing painfully. I didn’t believe what was happening; I literally lost my mind for that moment, and I started to feel dizzy. My dad was dead, and when we were at the entrance, my mom said crying “PLEASE LET US PASS, WE ARE NOT INFECTED! I SWEAR!”. Then, the officer checked us and he let us pass. We ran into a building, a safe building and we put our stuff in the floor. My mom and I hit our knees in the floor and we hugged each other putting our dog in the middle of us, and we were crying painfully. So I stood up, and I felt dizzy again; I fell in the floor and my mom saw that I fainted. I felt different, or free, or something like that. Then, when I woke up, I was in my bed. I saw the shiny day outside my window. Our neighbor kids were playing in our backyard, I checked the day and it was the day after yesterday which meant that it was a normal and a common day. That’s when I noticed that it was d ream, the worst nightmare that I had in my life. I run downstairs, and my mom and dad were watching a movie with my dog. MY DAD WAS ALIVE! I looked at them and I smile, and I start crying with joy. That dream I’ll never forget it, and after that dream, I love my dad even more. My dad is everything for me and no one can change it.

The author's comments:
OK so...this article represents a dream that i had and i wanted to share it with you guys. I hoe you enjoy it it and please leave a comment if you like it or not (it's optional) :)

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