NO ESCAPE. | Teen Ink


June 19, 2013
By Bellaris SILVER, Nairobi, Other
Bellaris SILVER, Nairobi, Other
9 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Jessica and Adam had been married for ten years with no children.Theirs had not been a marriage born of love.Life together had lost its appeal and Adam did not make it easy for Jessica.He had never laid a hand on her but he tortured her psychologically which was more permanent.Today was the day that Jessica was going to be free of Adam.
It started off normal like any other day,Jessica kept to her usual routine she did not want to leave any room for suspicion.Adam came home from work and threw his briefcase on a chair and headed straight to the dinning table where the meal was already served accompanied by red wine, his favorite.
Jessica took a sip and stared blankly at her husband.He walked straight to the sink which was facing her back.The water stopped running and she could hear his footsteps behind her.Before she knew what was happening Adam placed a polythene paper over her head.She struggled for as long as she could but she finally gave up.What gave her comfort was knowing that her husband would soon follow.
Adam sat down on his side of the table with his dead wife still in the room,it was finally over.He lifted his glass and made a toast to his dead wife.He finished the wine in a matter of seconds.As he was reaching for the bottle he felt agonizing pain surge through his body.His wife had poisoned his drink he realized,great minds work alike he thought.He fell to the ground and curled up as he waited for the inevitable.

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