The Deepest Part of the Forest | Teen Ink

The Deepest Part of the Forest

May 8, 2013
By Birdy33 BRONZE, Fsdfdsfs, Connecticut
Birdy33 BRONZE, Fsdfdsfs, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals."- Larry Bird

Blue surrounded the forest like a jay protects her eggs. But, the inside of the forest was far too dangerous and dark for the world around it. There is always a snake that protects the inside of the forest, and he lurks for food for whoever trespasses his territory. Only a few people live to this day to say how gruesome the snake was. The stories always change, depending how eccentric or frightened the visitors who lived were.

White represents light or new beginning. The snake thinks it resembles the fear in one’s eye when they see his bloody fangs and the bones laying on the muddy ground. The fear in their eye’s make the tortuous snake grow in confidence and strength. The fear in their eye’s make him joyful and powerful. The fear in their eye’s make him want to eat them.

Maroon was the courageous boy’s name. He was 5 foot 11 inches, dark brown hair, and very dirty. His arms were short and thin, and his legs were boney and pale. The only objective that Maroon had in his life, was to loiter the cobblestone streets of his kingdom to find leftover food. Maroon was lucky to have a rotten tomato for dinner. He lost his family when the silver soldiers took them away when he was kidnapped by the mustached man who was left un-named. He escaped in an underground tunnel during the cold nights of July. Maroon hopped onto a human powered train, and made his way to an unknown civilization off the coast of Europe. He found a nice shed behind a woman’s home, and has has remained hidden for three years.

One day, he was strolling the outskirts of the kingdom, when he came upon a stranger on the ground with a sword. The man looked like he was a knight, and had blood covering his mouth.

Maroon asked, "Are you hurt?"

He replied in a weak voice, "No, but I need thee to take this sword and go into the deepest part of the woods. There, you will find a very large snake. I need you to kill it, and bring me the treasure that it is protecting. I will give you half of the treasure. Along with this, bring me back its head."

Maroon looked into the path of the forest, and looked back to notice that the knight was becoming pale and weak. So, he grabbed the sword and ran as fast as he could into the forest. He thought of the wealth and jewels that he could own. He could be wealthier than the king or even The Lord. Maroon started to slow down, and realized what his job was; he has to kill maybe a seventy foot long snake with one sword. He looked down to the grip of the sword to see that there was a brass carving of a snake. Maybe the sword was stronger than it looked.

Black became the only color he could see as he came upon the deepest part of the forest. The path became narrower and narrower, and he had deep scratches on his skinny legs from the thorn bushes. Maroon soon came upon the entrance that looked as if it was made of human bones, and was very difficult to enter. Maroon made his way into the dark and dystopian forest. He couldn't see or hear anything, until he saw a campfire in the distance. He jogged to the fire, which had tents surrounding it, to notice it looked as if it was just built. He searched for any civilization, but unfortunately could not find anything or anybody.

Light was instinct in this part of the woods. Maroon had not seen light since he entered the forest. He started to notice that there was more and more bones on the ground. He followed this path of bones until he stumbled upon a log that was blocking his trail. Maroon jumped over the log to see that there was not a bone to be seen. He turned back to notice that the log was gone. All he could see was a shiny piece in the distance, and he started to sprint towards it.

Gold shined in the distance. Maroon suddenly realized that he had found the treasure. The jewels and riches waited for him in the distance. Piles and piles of gold, silver, bracelets, crowns and riches beyond belief. All Maroon had to do was to run to his dreams, and let the wealth guide him to heaven.

Maroon leaned the sword up against an old pine tree, and started to grab as much gold as he could, but suddenly the piles of riches started to shake. A silky object started to come out of the middle of the pile. He dropped everything in his possession, and started to back away. The only sound he heard was "hiss," and the gold rumbling down the mountain of wealth. A large, scaly creature emerged from this mountain. It was the very large snake, seventy feet long, forty feet high. He started to shake in fear. He stared at the enormous beast and tried to run, but the snake ate him alive. To this day, the sword leans against the pine tree with blood on it with the brass carving of a snake on the grip.

The author's comments:
I got a 90 on this story in my writing class.

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