Watching for Morning | Teen Ink

Watching for Morning

May 10, 2013
By ca15043 BRONZE, Pasadena, California
ca15043 BRONZE, Pasadena, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was below freezing that night but we hardly noticed the fog rising from our lips as we stood outside in our socks. We huddled together in the orange light of the single streetlamp, looking up. I had never seen anything like it. The snow fell around us, catching on her eyelashes and clothes. It was so quiet; I thought I would be able to hear each snowflake as it touched the ground. In the ten-foot arch of light, the falling snow lit up as it made its final descent and the light seemed to part for the snow. For the first time, electricity was kneeling to nature. I watched the snow fall until the darkness began to fade into gradient daylight; then I fell asleep next to her.

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