Who is my Enemy? | Teen Ink

Who is my Enemy?

April 22, 2013
By Dantescomedicrelief BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
Dantescomedicrelief BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Perfection is the point no human wishes to achieve, once reached, it is the point where no goals can be made and progress ceases it's existence." -Myself

Who is my Enemy?
I am the never ending, the being that devourers all.
I possess godly power; to the extent that even my own won’t let me fall.
I am a complete entity, one which kills without the cause of mortal lust.
For you see, to keep this power, I have to kill and killing is a must.

-Anguish of TIME

We have been bound by you
Your power is a boon
And a bane
For you
And regress
All the same
What are you I wonder
And why do you bind us so
To make us fearful of our fate
YOU are a boon and a bane
Yet I know not what you are
Time, I beseech you
What are you?
-Humanity questioning Time

You to whom I speak, my name is Gabriel, understand my opinion on Time. Victims come and go, on a daily basis this earth is cleansed and reincarnated by the same being. However, to call this thing a being, capable of perceiving life, may not be correct. You see, this being is the embodiment of an anomaly, one which brings about the worst and best in all creations. This being, is not one bound by the dimensions of reality, for this being is a dimension of reality. We simply know it as Time. Time is an interesting being. For time claims everything and nothing can escape it. Yet, Time is also cursed. Time, if we consider it a being, cannot develop any further, it cannot dream, it cannot be bound by the confusing mumbo-jumbo that we call feelings. No, Time is just that. Time exists, but does not live. Time is alive, but not in existence. You see, Time, if we consider it a being capable of “life,” is in fact, the only being, the only part of reality that can outstrip its own power. Time is immortal, with itself being its cause. Without Time, all things are immortal and thus, insignificant in their being. However, Time as a being, gives purpose to all things, consequently giving them weight or value in this section of Time’s power we call “life.” Time, in turn, is the only thing to be worthless, giving more worth to existence than without. If this be true, what we say about time existing as an entity invisible in form, then, is time, the being we curse and so desperately try to evade, the greatest ally anything in existence can have? Is Time, the being that consumed my deeply loved Grandmother, in fact my friend?
Human, understand this, I am death, time, god, fate, life, whatever you wish to call me, but I am without a doubt, more valuable to you as an ally or friend, than anything which physically exists. I am a being non-existent in your physical space, but I do exist. I exist as an embodiment, an embodiment of a never ending circle. This never ending circle in which I embody, I wish it to disappear. My power, consumes all but me. I am alone, without one such as me to communicate with. I exist as a being of hatred. I feel my worthlessness in existence. This feeling, as a mortal being, you who understands my thoughts through the page, can you understand this sensation of worthlessness? No, you cannot, you can feel worthless, as I am sure you have, you however shall always hold more value over me, for you have one great attribute that I, a perfect being, lack. You, dear mortal, can die. You cry, and curse my power, looking evermore to be able to escape it. However, you do not realize the gift that death is. I exist, yes, but I am not truly alive. I can feel all of your feelings for every part of your life, yet, I am not alive in those moments, in the moments that make you, a mortal alive. For, without something to compare it to, what is the worth of happiness? If I cannot experience death, does that mean I am not alive? Yet, I can experience everything you experience, but without the ability to die, I do not think I am alive. I just exist, and to just exist, what an unexplainably pitiful fate I have. Human, thank me for my existence, for you who curses me and my power, is in turn given life by this very being you hate. Human, realize your position, for without me, you are indeed nothing.

Time, I ask in my father’s stead, why did you dawdle so in your response to his observations? I am Dante; my father Gabriel was the first to discover this text as a means of communication with you thus bringing about conversation. I do not understand why you have killed my father, the man who loved me dearly. Why Time? You stole my family from me at the age of 13. I am now 30, as he was when he first spoke to you. Time, I do not understand, what is your purpose, and, what is mine?

Purpose? I know not I my own purpose, I just simply exist. Yet, I have understanding of what your purpose as a human is. I believe, from watching your race progress and regress through my power of time, your purpose is to perceive. You exist and live for the reason of perception. You might not understand what I say to you, and I doubt you ever truly will. Even I doubt this answer; however I cannot offer a clearer one. Your perception on life is yours and yours alone. Your father will never share your same experiences and neither will your children. You are you alone and you cannot live as someone else. If we believe that Humans exist for the purpose of perception, the argument can be made that this is true for the direct purpose of confirmation. You as a Human have surely heard the question “If a tree fell in a forest and no one heard it, did it make a noise?” Now to take this to a much grander scale, we can ask, “If a galaxy came into the physical plane of existence then later abandon it without anyone to observe it, did the galaxy exist in the first place?” I believe, that you Humans and indeed all life, exists to document the presence of the physical plane of reality through your memories in life. You are a book, to an unknown reader, that is your purpose as I understand it, human.

Time, this text has traveled through our family as I am sure you know, and has finally reached me, Mephesto. My great grandfather was the last entry in this text. I have seen a pattern, one which disturbs me greatly, Time, you say you are a never ending loop, so, might I be correct in saying that this conversation has happened before?

Human, you are indeed correct. I have had this conversation past, in the sense of past as you may understand it. However, I have answered your next question in this “past” as well. Human, understand, Time, is never ending. This conversation, I am having with all parties involved at once. I am answering your great grandfather and your daughter (yes you are to have a daughter). The experience of life is one collective memory, and I make this memory grow.

Time, if you act in a constant loop, then is this ever growing memory, pointless?
You fail to understand, seeing that I am never ending; there is no point in which this memory is in excess for it never restarts, it just acts in a continuous fashion.
If what you say is valid, does that mean I am currently in existence, currently dying, currently being born, and currently making every action of my life from birth till death all infinitely at the same time? Does this mean that everything is everything and nothing can be changed?

Mephesto, you are a perceptive one. Yes, indeed you are present everywhere in your life at this exact moment. Now, I would say that you are correct up until your final question, things do change. As you stated, all actions you make in your life are currently being made infinitely many times right now. Understand now that infinity is immeasurable, and then consider miniscule fluctuations in entropy throughout the universe. As you may see now, everything is changing, giving purpose to this memory and changing your actions and perception of events though, almost microscopically.

Time, you have killed another of my family members, thus bringing me, Ella, into this conversation. If what you have said is true, then, how much longer will Humanity stay in existence? When will we disappear? Will our legacy as a race be obliterated from the physical plane of reality? When, and, how?

Your moment will come. You are the last of Humanity in your plane of reality, your generation as its last. Tell me Human, are you scared of death? Are you scared of my effects? Do you curse me as your peers have? How does it feel that you are about to die?

Time, I am scared of your power and the inevitable outcome of death also frightens me, I crave your immortality as my fellow humans have craved it and sought after it. I don’t want to die, but, I shall embrace my death as it comes, knowing that it is a gift for me to die.

You are a mere child, yet, you display knowledge of the situation that surprises me. You, not just as child, but also as Human are showing understanding of this subject on a profound level. I am humbled once more. As I am currently conversing with you and your forbearers all at this moment, I am once more amused, and shall once more gift your family with my knowledge. Be grateful, you may not be able to ordain my power, yet you and your forbearers shall forever be gifted on this knowledge.

Time, this life is disappearing, I am in pain and your power is killing me. I am afraid and can’t even call the Doctor to assist me. I am afraid, but, I am confident. When we meet again, I wonder if I will remember this interaction. Time, I guess for now, this is goodbye.

No Ella, you will not remember me; I am sorry, so very sorry for taking your life as I am for taking the lives of your forbearers. But, I remember you and will always remember you as I have had for this moment and all moments alike. You and your bloodline have constantly graced my never ceasing, useless existence. I wish so dearly to live and in doing so, I wish to die.

The Universe has again collapsed and expanded. Time has once more traveled in a circle, with no apparent start or end point. I am the cause for this physical plane’s existence yet also for its certain demise.

Life has once more begun, starting with the smallest of creatures, destined to become one of the most incomprehensible of species in this physical plane of reality, Humanity.

I have ended many lives, every single one against my will. I exist in a pitiful state, one which takes all my comfort and leaves me as just a being. So dear Human, may this text that you read and write upon act as a means of communication with me, Time. So, with this in mind, Human, what do you have to say, about Time?

You to whom I speak, my name is Gabriel, understand my opinion on Time. Victims come and go, on a daily basis this earth is cleansed and reincarnated by the same being. However, to call this thing a being, capable of perceiving life, may not be correct. You see, this being is the embodiment of an anomaly, one which brings about the worst and best in all creations. This being, is not one bound by the dimensions of reality, for this being is a dimension of reality. We simply know it as Time...

The author's comments:
This is a philosophocal conversation between a human, his descendants and Time

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