Blackmailed Circus | Teen Ink

Blackmailed Circus

April 7, 2013
By Wildheart347 SILVER, DeSoto, Missouri
Wildheart347 SILVER, DeSoto, Missouri
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Chapter 1
No Goof Ups!

Lights shine bright as the red and white striped cloth drapes itself over the tent poles. All the stars rush around to get ready for tonight’s big show. The animals are getting all dolled up for their big night. The only problem is this is the night that could make us or break us. Our ring leader, Dennis, told us last night that a Circus Critic is coming to our tents tonight. We haven’t been getting a lot of profits lately and if we don’t make any profits tonight our show will be canceled! And that means that when the show falls so do we…

As I get ready in my dressing room I hear a knock at the door. “Ms. Penske you’re on in five!” that’s Chet our stage manager. Quickly slipping my golden leotard on over my harness, I ran out to the back stage of the ring. Tonight’s theme is “Reveal of the Golden Egg”, I’m the golden egg. As I reached the back curtains to connect the wires to my harness Dennis rushed toward me. Grabbing my arm and fiercely gripping my face he stared down into my eyes. “Aspen, where have you been? There is only two minutes till you go on! That’s barely enough time to get you’re ribbon’s ready!” he shoved my face back with a chuckle and then began to examine my costume. Walking closer to me he spun me around and placed a hand on my hip. Then hearing a click I realized that he was only hooking me up to my wire.

As he spun me back around I felt him plant his sinful, devil stricken lips on mine. Then in a cold, heartless whisper he breathed “You’re on!” and then shoved me through the curtains. A bright pale light shined down on me. Two giant, gold silk ribbons fell from above. Gripping them I began to twirl and fly around the ring in amazement, doing tricks and stunts that made the crowd go wild. The children cheered and yelled things like “I wanna do that when I get older!” and “Momma, momma I want her as my wife!” those mostly came from the older boys, boys my age; 17. Many of the people that came to our little circus were rich folks who thought they could impress by throwing their money around this way and that. But I’ve learned to ignore those comments, and the dreadful remarks. As my act came to an end I slid down the ribbons and disappeared in the curtains.

Dennis met me at the entrance to the stage. “That was great! We raked in tones of money just from your act alone! Thanks a tone Aspen!” he clutched my hands and pressed his lips against them time and time again. Swallowing hard I just gave a fake smile and then turned to go back to my dressing room, when suddenly I felt his hands slide down my hips. Gulping I just held my head high and continued on.
Entering my room I quickly ran behind my screen changing room and slipped out of my gold leotard and put my wings on around my harness. Letting my leotard fall to the ground I franticly slipped into my snow white leotard and ran back out to the curtains.
Meeting Felix with Flurry, our only albino lion, he cuffed his hands and helped me climb aboard Flurry. “Thanks Felix” I said and touched his shoulder. “Good luck tonight, Flurry’s been waiting for a show. Maybe Dennis will give me some more meat to feed him tonight. Do you know he hasn’t ate in two days? It’s ridiculous!” his eyes filled with tears as I realized how he must feel towards this beast. Placing my hand on his cheek I wiped away his tears away. Then as I went to speak Dennis came up and jerked Felix away. Throwing him to the ground, he spit in his face and then blew the whistle signaling for the parade to start. The horses and the clowns went ahead and went through the curtains. Before I could even go Dennis placed his hand near the top of my leg. “Hey Aspen, I’ll be waitin’ for ya when we get done if ya know what I mean.” He gave me a wink and then backed away. And again before I knew it I was out in the ring oblivious to what just happened.

The author's comments:
Alright, so I'm not exactly sure on the title yet. I was hoping someone could give me some ideas on it. Also I was looking for some feed back.

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