Twister | Teen Ink


December 17, 2012
By Rebecca Harper BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
Rebecca Harper BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Atop the stretched mat, the heat radiates from another of our more ‘interesting’ games of Twister. The heat smothers me as the others bend across. The camera flashes as yet another player collapses to the ground. The game proceeds and the mat crinkles from our movement. The smell of pizza from the kitchen steals some of our players away as it wafts down the hall. Our viewers mock our positions, yet still groan when another player falls. Their laughter floats around us just as the heat wraps around our little mat. I hear a few giggle as Sean twists into a corner, but I revel in the gasp we elicit as I bend around Kyle. The movie distracts the others until my next move forces him to grunt, and my leg slides us into a rather compromising position. Our eyes meet and our sudden laughter alleviates some of the uncomfortableness. The mat folds in around us as we continue our little game, occasional laughter loosening up my remaining competitors. AT last, I stretched into a position that causes all but one player to fall. Unabashedly, I lean in towards Kyle and try staring him down. One more round and I find my opening. As our legs touch, I twist the stretched mat ever so slightly. His eyes go wide and the grunt he makes as he falls reminds me why I love Twister.

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