Advice from Freedom | Teen Ink

Advice from Freedom

August 29, 2012
By Purple_Plumberry GOLD, Imperial, Missouri
Purple_Plumberry GOLD, Imperial, Missouri
14 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"On the stage he was natural, simple, affecting. Twas only that when he was off, he was acting." -Oliver Goldsmith

I can be anything that I want. Or so I’m told. According to this so called ”Freedom” guy I can choose what type of person I want to be, what kind of career I want, that sort of thing.
I don’t believe it. I think this freedom dude is trying to sell me a whole bunch of phony baloney. You see, earlier I bumped into a fellow called “Society”. We started talking and got on the subject of careers. I told him that I wanted to become an artist. Nothing fancy. I don’t want fame. I don’t expect fame. I just want to do what I enjoy.
Do you know what that big mean ole bully did? He laughed! In my face!
Society told me that I would get nowhere. He told me that being an artist wasn’t a real job. He told me to be a good kid and become an accountant or make my mom and pops happy by becoming a doctor or a lawyer. He said that if I choose not to take his advice than I will have fun starving in a cardboard box. With that he wished me good luck and walked away.
So, you can imagine that when Freedom told me that I could be who I wanted, I wasn’t convinced. Society had been, well, so judgmental, that I was afraid to pursue what I wanted to. I was scared that if I did I would fail and Society would laugh in my face all over again.
I told Freedom my concerns and he exclaimed, “Bah! To heck with him! If you get too wound up in Society’s opinion than you will lose your opinion. If you start to only care about what Society cares about, than you will forget what it is you love. Do not get lost in Society’s impact. It means nothing in the end.”
You know what? I’m going to listen to him. Why should I suffer in Society’s negativity when I can be happy in Freedom.


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