The Shell | Teen Ink

The Shell

March 19, 2012
By queennels17 PLATINUM, Wellington, Florida
queennels17 PLATINUM, Wellington, Florida
21 articles 8 photos 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
The sun is out but it's still dark outside.

I am white as snow
And I look as if there is nothing to show

I look hard and stiff
But anyone can break past my shell

You can create me into something new
Or you can leave me the same

I am raised to be absolutely perfect
So I will be able to please the people’s need

You can pour me out of my shell and whip me into something
Bad or good

You can add things to me
You can take things out of me
You can make me perfect

I can be boiled into something pleasurable
I can be fried into something desirable

If you drop me on the floor
The shell cracks
And you have me no more

What am I ?

I am an egg.


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