Tick Tock | Teen Ink

Tick Tock

December 16, 2010
By Lindsey_O GOLD, Marshfield, Massachusetts
Lindsey_O GOLD, Marshfield, Massachusetts
11 articles 0 photos 180 comments

Favorite Quote:
Words slide off the lead,
creating permanent marks;
writer's secret code.
~Lindsey O'Connell

“There. I lost it.”
“My sanity. Don’t you see?”
“Your sa—?”
“Yes. I already said it once. Don’t make me say it again!!”
“But how?”
“Why now, it is simple! To lose all sanity….”
“All you need is a ticking clock. A ticking clock. Tick tock! Tick tock!!”
“But how would a ticking clock…?”
“Time. Time. Tick tock, tick tock!! Come now, you’ve lost. You were too slow.”
“Lost what?”
“EXACTLY. Tick tock, Tick tock!!”
“But what…?”
“Tick tock, Miss Young. Tick tock, Tick tock!! You’re running out of time, out of TIME. I’m afraid you lost again, Miss Young.”
“Lost WHAT!?”
“Your life. See? Now, there it goes…. Flying by… Tick tock…. Tick Tock!!”

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This article has 4 comments.

on Dec. 15 2011 at 4:50 pm
RejoiceTheySay... PLATINUM, Topeka, Kansas
29 articles 8 photos 20 comments
see this is awesome!

on Nov. 23 2011 at 9:56 am
Jappyalldayeveryday, Detroit, Michigan
0 articles 0 photos 163 comments

Favorite Quote:
They say that good things take time, but really great things happen in the blink of an eye

This is wonderful. Your characters have incredibly distinct voices. 

on Jul. 22 2011 at 1:23 pm

This is rediculously clever and entertaining. I love stories made purely of dialogues! :)


on Dec. 19 2010 at 11:03 am
2-Is-Better-Than-1 BRONZE, Mayfield, Ohio
3 articles 1 photo 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain"

I absolutely love this(: Enough said!