The Downer Family Chronicles Vol. 1 CH.2 | Teen Ink

The Downer Family Chronicles Vol. 1 CH.2

June 9, 2010
By Robert_Downer SILVER, Springfield, Oregon
Robert_Downer SILVER, Springfield, Oregon
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
The Price of Beauty was more Than You Thought<br /> Suicide Silence

Chapter Two


The street lights were on as we left the comfort of our home. Our victim, Greg, always hung out late at the high school in town, so that’s where we were headed. I couldn’t stop thinking about what Jenna had said to me. My gut was in a frantic motion telling me that we shouldn’t feed tonight. I was really hungry though. As we turned around the corner that led into the high school gates, I heard voices. Not just Greg’s, but it seems he had a friend with him tonight. Always time for seconds.
“Dude, let’s go, its weird out here.” The other voice said.
“Calm down, its fine here. I’m here like every night and nothing ever happens.” That was Greg’s voice. Anthony glanced over to me with a smirk, “Looks like we got us not only a late night snack, but dessert as well huh bro?” He laughed as he said the last few words. He had read my thoughts. We were still standing far enough away to where Greg couldn’t see or hear us, and I don’t know why we hadn’t moved yet. I started having second thoughts now. What if Jenna was giving me some kind of sign before we left? Something just wasn’t right. I could feel it. I don’t see how I actually wanted to kill him, now. This doesn’t feel right. A feeling of anxiety and sadness washed over me as I glanced over to the two the boys. You know, some think it would be like a dream come true if they were a vampire. I think they should rethink that.

During school, Greg would always talk about how his parents were so cool because they would always let him do whatever he wants, whenever he want. I don’t think his parents really cared about him. Greg never meant what he said at school, I could see that. He wished his Mother and Father would love him. He wished that someone would care about him. Greg Krisna, the biggest outcast at school did and still does have someone who cares; Jenna and I. I didn’t realize it until that night, but Jenna cared about him, and so did I. I couldn’t possibly kill Greg, not after what I did to his brother last year. That story is for another time, sorry.
I looked over to my two brothers, “Anthony, Jarett, we are not killing Greg or his friend.” The words came out too naturally. Anthony and Jarett looked furious. “Robby, we wait for weeks to feed, and you tell us that tonight we can’t?” Anthony’s voice had a hard and serious tone to it. He looked at Jarett, who then spoke as well, “Robert, what happened to Ryan last year was a complete freak accident okay? Can’t you tell that Greg does not want to live anymore? Listen to the way he talks in school, Robby. He hates his life. He wants to die.” He was being quite serious. I swallowed hard, and my two brothers stared hard at me, awaiting my answer. I had already made up my mind. “We’ll wait for tomorrow night. We’ll feed on someone else, not Greg or his friends.” My brother shook their heads, and Jarett sighed. We had our agreement.
That’s exactly how it happened. We walked back home to find Jenna fast asleep. Anthony and Jarett went off to bed as well. I walked over to where Jenna was laying and kissed her forehead, and then moped along to bed aside her. My hunger was now ravenous, and we all needed to feed. Tomorrow we will find a decent kill, and it will be twice as good. But that will only sustain us for another couple weeks.
Being a vampire bites. In both ways.

The author's comments:
This is Chapter 2 of my book "Bite"


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