Cleaning my dreadful room | Teen Ink

Cleaning my dreadful room

February 22, 2010
By flairsister BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
flairsister BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 3 comments

When I got out from a hard ,long day at school. My mother drove me home ,and I went into my house. Only to see it practically,perfectly clean.Except for the big pile of junk ,that we {my family}had left around the house.
When I went down to my room{ I live in the basement}, all I could see was an abyssishly black hole. In which all of my items were encased inside.
When I started cleaning I figured out it was just going to get worse and then it was going to get better. So I got about eight trash bags (3 were going to be used for trash the other 5 were going to be used for get rid of),I started , I didn’t get very far before my mom came in to help me.
She helped me throw away all my trash that had been building up ,get rid of stuffed animals, get boxes for organization, and she helped with just random.
In three days the room that was a abyss is now very clean. It also doesn’t have a big mess in the middle or any where around . In the process I got rid off about 8 bags full of get rid off. Very free feeling I no right ya?


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