A lesson learned | Teen Ink

A lesson learned

October 30, 2009
By Jonathan Nguyen BRONZE, Westminster, California
Jonathan Nguyen BRONZE, Westminster, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

during the mellow and dark blue evening across there lied a little 16 year old child. This tale is about a boy named Kale. he is a bully and beats up every smart kid he see's. then one day a bunch of kids decided to pull a prank and kidnap him. he thought he got beat up but the gas had put him asleep. They threw him on a island and left him there with actors to pretend to be scary indians. They were nice untill he wanted meat and killed the kings only child because he wanted meat. They blammed it on him and scared him. He was scared because the king told him that he would be hanged to death he tried to run but got him. But it was all a joke he had learned his lesson about bullying little kids.

The author's comments:
my teacher ms.sale


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