Love Ain't Easy | Teen Ink

Love Ain't Easy

March 4, 2024
By ella2025 BRONZE, Kearney, Missouri
ella2025 BRONZE, Kearney, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time, there was a lovely girl. She was a quiet person with not a lot of friends. She didn’t talk to anyone at school. Penny was the type of girl who thought it was better to get through high school rather than try to enjoy it. This is why she spends most of her time in her mansion of a home. Was this a good or bad idea? She didn’t know.

As Penny comes home from yet another bad day of school, her evil mom spins down the spiral staircase. Penny didn’t want to talk to her mother. She just wanted to grab a snack and be able to go upstairs to her room. Some relaxing time with herself and her phone was something that she needed so very badly. Instead, she came home and started getting a lecture from her mom.  A bad day at school and a lecture from her mom made Penny just want to sink into a hole and not come out for a while. She walked up to her room and lay on her bed thinking about her day. 
Penny wanted to be pretty enough for Landon to go to the winter formal, but it felt like people just kept doing things to spite her. Spilling water on the floor and not telling her, for example. Penny slipped on the water right in front of Landon. Immediately following that, her cheeks got rosy. She was so embarrassed. Penny grabbed her things and rushed into the bathroom.
When she got to the bathroom, she sat in the stall for a while not knowing what to do. Not only was she embarrassed, but she was disappointed that people could be so cruel to not tell someone that they had spilled something. Her mood had automatically dropped, not knowing what was about to happen. All she had to do was get up and walk out of the bathroom. 
The courage it took to do this though, was not there. Penny didn’t want to see anyone's face for the rest of the day. She just wanted to go home, but calling her mom was not an option. Her evil mother would not let her come home from school. She wouldn’t even understand Penny’s problem. Penny didn’t have anyone to relate to. No one at school would talk to her in any way except to be rude or make fun of her, so there was no point in trying to talk to anyone. 
Penny finally got the courage to come out of the bathroom for the last hour of the day. It was math class and she couldn’t miss it. Missing one day of math would throw off the whole unit for her. She wasn’t very good at math and didn’t know how to catch up on her schoolwork when she missed it. So out in the real world, she went, facing her fears of her high school peers. She looked left and then right and then walked straight out of the bathroom as the bell rang. Penny soon became engulfed in the pushing and shoving of high school hallways. 
Just as she went to walk into her math class, she saw a group of mean girls. As an unpopular girl, Penny never understood why girls had to put others down to make themselves feel good. It just doesn’t make sense. Penny tried to be nice to everyone so when people weren’t nice to her, she always wanted to know why. She felt like there was no reason for anyone to be mean to her, yet everyone in her life was. Even the people who were supposed to be there for her every step of the way like her mom. Penny’s mom was one of the people who treated her the worst. She always yelled at Penny for everything that she did. No matter good or bad, it seemed like Penny couldn’t do anything right for her mom. 
Since she was struggling with school because she skipped most of her day-to-day, Penny wanted to ask her mom if she could go to the library to be able to do homework in silence. She always got nervous asking her mom things though. Penny felt like the answer was going to be no for everything, so it was easier just to not ask. She needed help though, so she thought that the worse answer would be no.
Penny got up from her room and walked herself down the spiral staircase. As she walked down the stairs, her mom glared at her.
“What do you want, Penny?” she snarled. 
“Mom, I had an awful day at school and I missed some of my classes trying to avoid people. I was wondering if there was any way I could go to the library so I can study with good motivation?” Penny asked.
“I guess that will be okay. Do you want a ride or are you going to drive yourself?” Her mom questioned. 
“I got it,” Penny stated.
Penny walked out of the living room with a little spring in her step. She didn’t think that conversation was going to end that way. She was completely ready for that to end with her upset. Spinning up the stairs, Penny rushed into her room with a smile. She gathered all her things and grabbed her car keys. Walking out of the garage, she put her things in her car and got ready to go.
Arriving at the library, she didn’t realize it would be so busy. There were only a couple of parking spots open, but she didn’t let that ruin her mood. This was an uplifting thing that happened at the end of a bad day. Her mom started the good side of her mood, which is weird because normally her mom is the reason for her bad moods. Penny grabbed her things out of her car and headed into the library.
Walking through the doors of the quiet library is a heartwarming experience for Penny because she isn’t used to all the peaceful and focused people. When she normally does her homework, she has to deal with her parents yapping or her dogs barking. She never gets to study in peace. This made this experience even more special. The smell of the books was something that Penny doesn’t normally smell either. For someone who has so much in her life because her parents are loaded, she is deprived of a lot of experiences. This is an example of something so simple that she doesn’t get to experience it very often.
As Penny was sitting out all of her things, all of the popular girls from earlier in the day showed up again. Penny wished that they would just go away and leave her alone. She needed to get her things done, but couldn’t do them if these girls were standing all around peeking over her shoulder every 5 minutes. Not only did they bring their snotty noses around poking in business it didn’t belong in, but they also brought their animals with them. Like seriously, what more of a distraction could they be? 
Since they wanted to try and get in Penny’s head, she grabbed her airpods out of her bag and put them in. She put some hard rock music on, hoping that it would make them go away. Instead, it made the girls more interested in her. It just felt like everything that Penny did, these girls capitalized on. Again, she didn’t understand why they couldn’t leave her alone. Penny doesn’t even run around with anyone and she for sure didn’t say anything for the girls to be mad about. Wondering what it could be, Penny just kept her head down and tried to work. 
Maddie, the group leader, had ahold of the dogs. Every time Penny looked up from her work, there Maddie was staring at her already. Penny was thinking that this was starting to get weird. The scary thing is, she didn’t know why or what they wanted from her. Penny would give them what they wanted if it meant them leaving her alone, but she didn’t know what to give them.
 When Penny looks up the next time, Maddie’s dog is sitting in the chair next to Penny with its tongue hanging out of its mouth. Penny is trying to ignore the girls and their stupid dogs, but she keeps getting distracted. Not able to focus, Penny gathers her things and moves over to the big table.
Next thing she knows, Landon walks in. Oh crap, Penny thought, just another time for me to embarrass myself in front of him. Wait, what was Penny seeing? She rubbed her eyes to make sure that she saw the things she thought she did. Landon walked right past Maddie and her group of friends. He came straight for Penny. Penny thought that this was weird and he had small-looking humans behind him. 
As they reached her table, the dwarfs got in a line all holding posters. Penny thought that this was a joke. There is no way he would ever ask me to the dance. 
“Penny, I have been paying lots of attention to you the last couple of weeks. I always thought that you were gorgeous, but I never was able to talk to you alone. I always thought that you were beautiful and just very shy. So, I would like to spend an evening with you. Would you like to go to prom with me?” Landon asked.
As Landon asked me this, the dwarfs pulled out the posters. The smallest dwarf, Ella, said, “Landon has liked you for a long time. I just thought you should know that you are the perfect girl for our owner.” 
Penny was so shocked that she was speechless. She just had an endless smile on her face. “Yes! I would love to go to prom with you, Landon!” Penny exclaimed. 
“Great, I will pick you up at 6 pm on the night of. We can talk about colors and all of that at school on Monday.” 
Penny grabbed all her things and started to leave with a smile on her face. There was no way that she was going to be able to focus now. She went home got all showered and did some self-care. She had to get herself all ready for school on Monday. Penny was now walking with some pride. She was finally good enough for someone and she wouldn’t ever forget it. Her evil mom couldn’t even ruin her mood now. 

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