The Little Mermaid New Version | Teen Ink

The Little Mermaid New Version

December 21, 2023
By Anonymous

Once upon a time a little mermaid with the name of Ariel lived in a vibrant and lively  underwater castle covered in purple coral and a roof made out of shells that would open and close as water passed through.  Ariel had a passion for marine biology and would spend her time exploring the depths of the ocean, studying its fascinating creatures and ecosystems that were unseen and unheard of.

One day, while gathering new research and information near a coral reef, Ariel stumbled upon what looked like a hidden entrance leading to what looked like a magnificent underwater city, unlike the underwater world she lived in. The city was booming with life, it was filled with so many enormous buildings, colorful creatures and life, small markets, and friendly friends. She was filled with excitement, blowing bubbles and singing. Ariel couldn't wait to learn more about this mysterious and beautiful place, she’s never seen anything like it. 

The next day, she went back, as she explored the city, Ariel came upon a merman. 

“Hi! I’m Ariel,” she said 

“I’m Finn,” He replied, smiling and flapping his tail. 


Finn dedicated his life to protecting the ocean from pollution and overfishing, he was determined to keep their city clean and healthy..  They were Instantly drawn to each other's passion for the sea, they both shared the same interests, they both loved swimming and exploring, and wanted a healthy ocean. Everyday, Ariel would go back to complete more of her research and more importantly to visit and see her new friend, Finn. Finn would wait for her everyday when the tide came in. 

Together, Ariel and Finn came together on a mission to raise awareness about the importance of preserving marine ecosystems and keeping them sustainable for all of the creatures. They organized beach cleanups, educated about sustainable fishing practices, and even developed innovative devices to monitor water quality.

Their hard work and efforts caught the attention of King Triton, who recognized their dedication and chose them as “guardians of the ocean”. With their new responsibilities and titles, Ariel and Finn worked hard to protect the underwater world they loved and cherished dearly.

While on their mission, Ariel and Finn formed an even greater connection. Their bond grew stronger with every adventure and mission they went on together. They realized that their love for the ocean and their desire to make a difference was the foundation of their relationship. 

As time went on, Ariel and Finn's efforts made a significant impact. The underwater city thrived, and all of the creatures lived greatly with their marine friends. Their story inspired everyone to want to take action and protect the ocean for future generations.

 Ariel and Finn's journey continued, as they explored new depths, and discovered new species, they only fell in love more during the process. They became inseparable, they protected one another, and did everything together. This underground world became their home, they got married and had children. They were so grateful that they could bring new generations into a clean, healthy, lively ocean.

The author's comments:

The Little Mermaid, but different 

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