Tuesday's Magical Discovery | Teen Ink

Tuesday's Magical Discovery

September 8, 2023
By mariagarcia07 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
mariagarcia07 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a very chaotic Tuesday for Marina. Out of all the days her hair decided to be difficult, it had to be today, her school's junior year picture day. Marina was already close to running late because she had overslept. Now she had to deal with the stressful task of her hair. Her hair was long enough to just barely touch the floor and was the antithesis of contained. Marina decided to straighten her hair, knowing it would take her quite a while. However, on this hectic Tuesday morning, something way out of the ordinary occurred.

Marina's hair had started to fall out! She continued straightening her hair, not believing what was happening. Maybe if she ignored what was happening, then everything would be okay, she thought. But she thought wrong. Throughout the day, her hair continued to fall out. By the time she took her pictures, what felt like two enormous chunks of hair had already fallen out! Marina hurried home after school to try to figure out how to solve this. She searched online for remedies to solve her problem. Unfortunately, none of the results were made for what was happening to her hair. After contemplating for a few hours, Marina decided to talk to her mother about what was going on.

Marina's mother revealed something so clandestine that Marina almost fainted once she heard! Marina's hair was magical. However, due to the overwhelming usage of heat, her hair was atrophying away. Her mother explained that the only way for her problem to go away was to cut off her dead hair. Marina was taken aback. Cut her hair, the hair she had grown for sixteen years…no way! To Marina, her hair was a precious jewel that she could lock away forever, untouched from the world. Just when was her mother going to tell her about her hair's magical powers?! She insisted on finding another way, but her options were obvious; go bald or cut her hair.

She reluctantly agreed to cut her hair after contemplating the pros and cons. So, her mother got to cutting. To Marina's surprise, it was not so bad. She could live with this new look. Her mother conciliated her lingering worries by saying her hair would grow back twice its original length. She would miss her long hair, but it would grow back eventually. She knew that her long hair would always be a part of her, no matter its current length.

The author's comments:

My name is Maria Garcia and I am a junior in Highschool. I transferred to Pasadena Memorial High School my junior year which was a new experience to me. I wrote this story because this relates to my situation. Marina struggles with long hair that is withering away and needs to be cut off or else there would be an unfortunate outcome. Just like Marina, I also have very long hair with dead ends. Marina and I both love and cherish our hair deeply and neither of us wish to cut it. I know that there are others out there in the world who can relate to this. I hope that this story will show others that it is ok to let things we cherish go for our own good. 

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