Lost In The Night | Teen Ink

Lost In The Night

September 8, 2023
By Anonymous

It was a day before Halloween year 2121. Nobody was allowed outside at night, it was a ghost town through the night. The only things that were out at night were the Night Walkers. They were dangerous, they would eat anything that moves, makings sound or just anything they thought was alive people had told me. But the Night Walkers did not have very good eyesight so they could not see very far, and they weren’t fast, so if you were quick enough you might be able to get away. But tonight, was a blood moon so there would be a lot more of the out and would be even hunger tonight on the tv there was a no outside policy past 6. I knew my brother was out, but I knew he wasn’t too far I had not seen him all day. it was starting to late, so I went to look around the house just in case he was here, and I didn’t know so I looked around they I called him but nothing he didn’t answer and he wasn’t here. I checked his location on my phone, but nothing popped up it was getting close to 6 so I was going to take the car to go look for him, but I forgot to get gas earlier that day and I wasn’t going to be able to stop to get gas at night with a blood moon. I was just hoping nothing had got to him and his friends who he was with and hopefully they ae safe. I looked around I was just going to have to take my bike I hope he didn’t have to many friends, but I just wanted to get them all to our house safely. About a couple blocks I saw them they were playing a basketball game outside with a couple other people in a not so friendly neighborhood I was just happy they were safe ‘milo come on we got to get home now its getting late tell your friends we got to go’ I said. They were annoyed but I’ll make them food and they can play the video game once they get home if we got home, I thought. The Night Walkers were starting to come out, so I just wanted to get home as fast as possible. But the Night Walkers were everywhere we had hit a dead in all of them were trying to get us I didn’t know what to do  knew I would have to make a distraction to get out of this so I through a glass bottle so it would brake and the Night Walkers would go that way I had seen people do it in zombie movies I just hope it would work now to get us out of this. So I did it hoping it would work and it did so we had got home safely we had to board up the windows and doors because they followed us. But the Night Walkers eventually left us alone and went to go do other things and we were safe.            

The author's comments:

I did this in class I hope you like it and thank you for your time

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