Hunger | Teen Ink


September 7, 2023
By Anonymous


It’s Saturday 8:30 pm, Max and Alan are starving laying down on the couch watching TV.

Alan  “Man I’m hungry”.

Max “Yeah same”.

Alan “What do you feel like eating”.

Max “I really don't know”.

Alan “Mmmm let me call my mom”. “To see what she made”.

Max “Uhh alright”.

Alan dials his moms phone number. With hopes that his mom has cooked something good. His phone rings. “Buzz buzz buzz” She picks up.

Alan “Hi mom”

Alan’s mom “Hi Alan”

Alan “Mom what have you made to eat.”

Alan’s mom “ Soup”

Alan was shocked that she made soup in the middle of summer, it's hot.

Alan's mom “Hello?”

Alan “ Yeah mom, I’ll call you back later”.

Alan’s mom “Okay”

Alan hangs up the phone.

Max  “What she say”

Alan “She made soup”

Max “mmmmh”

Alan “I know its hot”

Alan “What else is there?”

Max “What about WHATABURGER.”

Alan “That sounds good but we can always go there anytime. I want something different.”

Max “ Damn you're picky.

Alan “Nahh” starts laughing 

All of the sudden, Max and Alan get a commercial about pizza. Their eyes are not closing at all, it's as if they were surprised. Max’s stomach starts to make noises. While Alan’s did too. Alan and Max look at each other and nod their heads.In a quick instant, Max starts to run to the car and Alan just stays there looking around confused. Thinking about something else. So he followed Max, right as he was going to close the door. Alan hears “We close at 10pm”. By now it was 9:45.

Alan “You better hurry”

Max “Why cause it's about to close?”

Alan “Yeah” 

Max hurried and backed up the car and drove. It was 15 minutes away. Max drove as if  was apart from the movie fast and furious. He made a left turn and a right, time was ticking. Right as they got there it was 9:57pm. There was a worker already starting to clean the table. Right as they came in the worker said “sorry we're close”.

Alan “Will leave you a tip if you make us a pizza”.

So the worker sighs and he begins to roll the doe, put tomato sauce and add toppings on the pizza. Finally, put it in the oven. Their total came up to $16.22. Max and Alan gave the man 25 dollars and took their pizza. They left very happy and ate good.

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