A Cursed Journey | Teen Ink

A Cursed Journey

June 7, 2023
By Anonymous

I Looked up only to see the blazing sun… I look around only to be back in this sandy wasteland, I actually had a very pleasant dream, one about my family before the Breakup. On the horizon I see the sprawling jungle of concrete and metal that used to be buildings and skyscrapers. There is nothing but sand and ruins of what was left behind, no dirt, no water, just sand. The sand is hot and heavy, it holds you down, it knows you’re weak and vulnerable. The sand is evil, it tries to get you to give up, “Wouldn’t it be so nice to just stay here, lying down? Just stay here for a while.” I quickly rise from the sand and shake away these desires, I’m on a mission, “remember?” I ask myself almost to remind myself.

I have to get this briefcase to Site 58, at least that's what they told me before The Breakup. The agency said it was of utmost importance that this case makes it to Site 58, I don’t even know what’s in this case or what its purpose is, they told me to never open it no matter what. The only thing driving me forward is the thought of completing my mission.

Everyday it gets closer, I can tell I’m running out of time, it’s gotten so massive in the sky. It’s only a matter of time until the moon comes crashing down on what's left of us. The moon has broken up, no one knows why or how it happened, we also didn’t care much as super tsunamis and massive earthquakes ravaged the world turning into a desolate wasteland in the span of a few months. No networks of communication exist, the moon has sucked up all of our satellites and we have no internet, we are back to the stone age.

I continue on at this point on the cusp of the city. I must be careful however, after the Breakup many people created raiding parties that would roll into defenseless cities and kill everyone and steal any supplies they had stockpiled. I don’t see anything but I’ll have to stay aware and watch out. 

I know that I’m where I need to be, I followed all the directions perfectly even without GPS. I hope that maybe this briefcase will be the solution to all of this, maybe it will stop the moon, maybe it has some plans or important info on it. I approach the site, a lone hatch in sand dunes, I’m lucky it wasn’t covered. 

Entering the hatch and turning my flashlight on, I realize this must have been some type of roof access since I see windows as I descend the levels. Some floors are blocked off and I have to find different ways down. It's so eerie seeing windows completely covered with sand, some have even collapsed letting in floods of sand. I work my way through the vents and elevator shafts to reach the bottom of the building where the drop location is. 

At the bottom is a series of hallways when I get to the end is one final door. I open it expecting to get a warm welcome from someone but when I open the door I only see skeletons. I decide I'm fed up with carrying this briefcase around, I break the lock on it, opening it up, inside is a congratulations letter. Reading it makes me realize that this is just one intricate test to see if I was ready for my new position at the agency.

In a fit of rage I throw it against the wall, the shock of the impact knocks my precariously placed flashlight off of its perch on the desk and into the ground. Everything goes black and a wave of desperation and hopelessness overcomes my being, knowing that I am at the bottom of a labyrinth of stretching concrete halls sunken in darkness and knowing that everything I have been working towards has been for nothing.

Now I sit and wait, wondering what will take me first, the moon’s gravitational pull ripping earth apart?  Maybe dehydration? Or maybe I’ll run out of oxygen before any of those are concerns. Either way I have no way of escape or chance at survival. It was so foolish of me to think that my briefcase contained some world saving secret or  some plans for a device to save everyone.

“Such is life.”

The author's comments:

Some people think that they are the main person in a story sometimes, where one does menial tasks and thinks as though people are watching and that they are part of some greater plot, I liked turning that on it's head and creating dread by putting my character through some great journey that ends up being worthless

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