Stranded | Teen Ink


June 7, 2023
By 4melotikm BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
4melotikm BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The glass bottle floated in the water moving with the waves. Jack noticed it from under the palm tree where he sat, hoping that someone would find him. As the bottle floated closer to the shore, it became clear that something was in it. Hopelessly, Jack got up and walked over examining the bottle carefully. There in the bottle stuffed inside was a small torn note stuffed. First, he tried to retrieve the note with his fingers, but they were too big to fit in the small opening. 

“Come on,” Jack yelled angrily. Deciding that he didn’t need the bottle, Jack smashed it against a tree. He snatched the note from the ground and unfolded it to reveal… nothing. This was a waste of time, Jack thought. He threw the note to the ground and walked back to his palm tree. 

Jack remembered how the day started. The sun crept over the horizon as the waves bashed against his boat. He was excited for the day. Sitting in his boat for hours waiting, hoping, praying for a fish to snag his line. Jack had thought today was going to be a great day for fishing, but now he was stranded on an island somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. Jack Johnson just had to go fishing, he thought to himself. 

Maybe if I write something on the note it will reach someone else. Jack was desperate — tired of life actually — but he would not give up just yet. So with that Jack scanned the wreckage for something to write with. In big bold letters, Jack wrote: “HELP I’M STRANDED." He folded the note back up and shoved it back into the bottle. He stood on the edge of the shore staring out into the water. Waves gently brushed his feet. 

“Please work,” Jack whispered as he chucked the bottle as far as he could into the ocean. 

Time went by, days passed, and Jack was still alone; stranded on the island. Slowly Jack closed his eyes as he sat underneath the palm tree. 

The author's comments:

My name is Meghan, and I enjoy writing fictional stories when I can. 

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