Mad Scientist | Teen Ink

Mad Scientist

May 26, 2009
By Katelyn Kozinski BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
Katelyn Kozinski BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He clenched the test tube tightly in his right hand. Sweat flowed down his face; he was filled with anxiety and worry. Should he really be doing this? Was this even humane? Was it right to play God in a society with no belief in him? With his right hand now shaking, he grabbed an eyedropper off the black lab table; in it an opaque green fluid seemed to glow! He brought the test tube and the eyedropper closer and closer together. His heart was pulsing through his chest as more sweat poured down his face. Grasping the black rubber, he squeezed it and the drop made its way into the tube. It seemed like an eternity while the drop was falling. The reaction of the two substances created a blinding light. Startled by this reaction he jumped back and stumbled over a stool, hitting his head hard. Everything in the room went black as the cool floor embraced his body.

It had been a cold, dark, damp, Saturday morning in Roanoke, Utah. Kyle stared out the window, a normal morning routine, to check the weather. Most people would have just turned on the huge high definition, elephant sized plasmas; however, Kyle was not like most people. People had become so technologically involved that they didn’t even talk to each other anymore. The day before, Kyle had teleported to the grocery store, and he’d walked by several people. No one had said a word; it was like he was invisible.

Kyle worked at RookU Laboratory in down town Roanoke. The downtown area was small; about the only thing downtown was the lab. Today was just another day of work. Kyle teleported into his bathroom, pressed a button, and he was done in five minutes. This button caused him to have his teeth brushed, hair and body washed, dried, and dressed all at the same time. Metal mechanical arms worked around his body. Kyle walked to his closet, which was located right next to the front door; he grabbed his bright white lab coat and walked out the door.

Walking up to the teleportation machine was difficult; the walking was intensified because he had to slosh through the mud. The rain was still pouring down, making walking even harder. Kyle eventually slipped and fell into the mud, causing his bright white lab coat to turn dark brown. Now, swearing under his breath and trying to maintain his composure, he finally reached the teleportation machine.

He tried to walk into the lab unseen. Normally this wasn’t hard because there was only one other person working in the lab. However, today seemed to be Kyle’s lucky day. The guard, who was never there, was there.

The guard stared at him and chuckled. “What the hell happened to you?”

Kyle just looked at him and stormed into the lab. Luckily Kyle had an extra lab coat in the closet so he got that one and put it on.

He marched over to his lab station and perused the surroundings. He noticed a small wooden crate with large, bold red letters that read HANDLE WITH CARE AND USE INTELLIGENTLY. Intrigued by his find, he rapidly opened the crate. Inside was a freezing metallic capsule. The capsule read Tyrannosaurus Rex Embryo. Just add acid. He hesitantly placed the container on the table. He carefully weighted the consequences in his mind. What was the worst thing that could happen? If he kept it contained no one would ever know.

Timed passed, but hours later Kyle was still staring at the capsule on the cold metal lab table. Ideas flew back and forth in his head, good vs. bad, right vs. wrong, and inhumane vs. humane as he paced back and fourth in the confinement of the lab. Confusion was running through him, his blood rushing through his veins, his heart pumping out of his chest. He slowly walked back toward the lab table, and with every step his heart rate increased. Leaning towards the table, he hesitantly picked up the test tube.
He clenched the test tube tightly in his right hand. Sweat flowed down his face; he was filled with unknowing fear. Should he really be doing this? Was this even humane? Was it right to play God in a society with no belief in him? With his right hand now shaking he grabbed an eyedropper off the black lab table, in it an opaque green fluid. He brought the test tube and the eyedropper closer and closer together. His heart was pulsing through his chest as more sweat poured down his face. Grasping the black rubber, he squeezed it, and the drop made its way into the tube. It seemed like an eternity while that drop was falling. The reaction of the two substances created a blinding light. Startled, he jumped back and stumbled over a stool. This caused him to hit his head, and he was knocked out.
The next thing Kyle knew, his head was throbbing and pain filled his body. Kyle struggled to open his eyes; all he could see was a hazy, blurry, glaze. He sat there waiting, hoping that his vision would improve. Five minutes later he began to see, although what he saw made him want to pass out; he stood there in shock and awe.
“What happened to my laboratory?” He asked himself with shock and anger in his voice.
Kyle spanned the entire laboratory with his still blurred vision. The lab table was broken in half; the bookshelves were crushed with books scattered everywhere, potions and chemicals were spilled all over the room. Searching for answers to what happened, Kyle’s eyes caught the sight of a large wooden crate. Slowly, Kyle approached the crate, his face filled with puzzlement. Pain and confusion were overcoming his body but Kyle used all the strength left in his body, and placed the crate on what was left of his metal lab table. As he scanned the crate, big bolded words caught his eyes.
Tyrannosaurus Rex Embryo. Just add acid.
Then Kyle remembered everything.
“Shoot!” Kyle screamed. “Where the hell is the Tyrannosaurus Rex?”
Kyle ran outside to go look for the massive dinosaur. While outside, he realized that it was still raining. Running outside crashing into walls and people in his path looking for his dinosaur, he fell again into a muddy hole.
Gross!! He looked around the hole and said, “This is the biggest pot hole I’ve ever seen!” He pulled himself out of the ditch. He looked at the hole from above.
“Holy S***!!” he exclaimed. The giant hole was not a hole at all; it was Tyrannosaurus Rex footprint. He headed back to the laboratory to look at the crate. At least the dinosaur wouldn’t be hard to find!
Flustered and worried, he thought about what he would do when he found the monster. He looked at the crate, searching for more answers. He found a phone number that read. If created call 555-127-0329. Kyle was shooting himself in the foot. This was going to be impossible to defeat. Kyle grabbed the laboratory phone but of course the line was dead. He hurled the phone to the ground.
What the Hell did I do?” He screamed at himself in a disgusted tone.
He pulled his mini computer out of his bag that was sitting on the desk. It was the only part of the room that was still somewhat intact. Pacing back and forth, he waited for his computer to turn on.
“Finally!!!” he exclaimed.


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