Sausage Links and Gargle Blasters | Teen Ink

Sausage Links and Gargle Blasters

March 15, 2021
By Juuzoki SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Juuzoki SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"First thing's first, but not necessarily in that order."
- Tom Baker

The humid air smelt of moss and old bark; just as it should. The bed I lay upon was stiff and unforgiving, yet comforting nonetheless. The indigo walls reached up, towering all around, encasing me from the outside world. If I was silent enough, I could feel the ancient cabin age. From the slightest peeling of paint on the door to the musty blankets, I lay upon. I closed my eyes to embrace my position, embrace where I was, and who I may become. Out of nowhere, a rumble ended my peaceful slumber. It rattled through my body, like a mallet hitting a gong. I stook up in a frenzy, back still aching from the table of a bed I had been resting on. I heard footsteps approaching my cabin door. My humble home trembling at the thought of an unknown force; I begged for it to protect me from whatever may come. The door handle twisted, creaking open. Revealing Napoleon Dynamite. I blinked in confusion, but he approached me with his hands in his pockets. “Hey,” he said with a pretentious tone, “you want some tots?”. He then pulled his hand out of his pocket with tater tots in tow. Behind him entered Matthew Broderick, Leigh Bardugo, Ford Prefect, and Smaug. My jaw hit the ground. All of a sudden I was surrounded by requests and suggestions. Leigh Bardugo would not stop offering me sausage links, and Ford Prefect looked like he’d had more than two pan-galactic gargle blasters, which you're not supposed to do unless you're a thirty-ton mega elephant with bronchial pneumonia. Matthew Broderick was crying in the midst of all this due to him not knowing the answer to life, the universe, and everything. Ford put a hand on his shoulder and explained with a triggered expression, “It’s forty-two, Baka.” He exclaimed, suddenly turning into a weeb; he began scouring the room for the nearest anime girl. Matthew turned to him “Nani? What is the question?” He asked with curiosity. Ford shrugged, too enthralled in his new motivation. Leigh shouted “Zut Alor!” and then continued to attempt to choke Smaug with sausage links. All of the sudden, Goro Akechi comes crashing through the barely held together roof. Along with him, came wind and snow. Apparently, the weather had intensified to a hazardous blizzard while my attention was elsewhere. He turned to me with a scowl and tried to say something; though his voice actor was a little behind so his lips flapped meaninglessly for a few seconds before out of nowhere he exclaimed “Help me find Joker we need to give a heartbeat to a tinman.” After his voice actor finally caught up we all stared at each other in silence. Ford then snorted “Heh, Bruhaps”. The room abruptly turns into giggles and little snorts of laughter, attempting to be repressed. I looked down at my maroon converse as the Steinfeld music starts playing, and the scene ends like a dream; only that’s exactly what it was. My eyes open slowly to a woman looking down at me with a questioning stare. “You were asleep for a long time dearie,” she said with a sigh. “I just had the strangest dream grandma”, I said with a twinkle in my eye. She glanced into the small kitchen before us, “why don’t you tell me about it as we watch the sunset?”. After a few moments of silence, I staggered out of the bed, quickly putting on some slippers and my hand going immediately to my sore back. I hissed as I tried to stretch my legs, before heading over to my grandmother. As I told her the events that had unfolded mere minutes before, she had a gentle smile on her face. She then asked me if I’d had any pan-galactic gargle blasters lately. I laughed and informed her that I was, in fact, not a thirty-ton mega elephant with bronchial pneumonia.

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