evran and honey. | Teen Ink

evran and honey.

March 28, 2019
By harleyjsg BRONZE, Holmdel, New Jersey
harleyjsg BRONZE, Holmdel, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Evran hummed quietly as he made his way down the street, purple backpack strung over his shoulder. It had been a long Friday, and he had a geology show tomorrow, so collapsing as soon as he got home sounded like the perfect plan. He had an even longer day tomorrow.

Don’t get me wrong, he was excited. He loved geology shows (and it didn’t hurt when they brought in a little cash), but sometimes he wished he could spend his weekends normally. Like, go out to breakfast with his parents, or even just have his Dad acknowledge him for more than 5 seconds. He knew those wishes were babyish and that he should just "man up", but… he longed for the experience.

The purple-haired teen was almost home when he heard soft whimpering. Slightly concerned, he looked around for the source of the pitiful sound and spotted a scrawny-looking, black and white spotted puppy cowering a little ways away from him. It looked so sad… he couldn’t just leave it alone, now could he?

Hey, he whispered, dropping his bag on the ground and unzipping it, looking to see if there was any food in there. Luckily, he had neglected to finish his chips at lunch and still had them. Probably not the best for a dog, but hey, he was trying here.

Crouching down, he inched towards the puppy, tossing little bits of chip towards it as he did. It hesitating for a few moments, as if it was weighing its options, before darting forward to greedily gulp down the crumbs. Now the dog regarded Evran with curiosity, and it slowly padded towards Evran to take more food from him.  

“Hey puppy,” he whispered, extending his arm to pat the dog on the head as it lapped up the pieces of food. It froze for a heartbeat, before relaxing into his touch. It slowly trotted towards the boy, depositing it’s head in the teen’s lap. Evran gently stroked it’s head. “I’m taking you home with me,” he murmured, already in love with the obviously abandoned puppy. He scooped her (yes, her) up gently, cradling her in his arms.

“I’m going to call you Honey,” He said gently, hurrying off towards home, new energy in his step. Evran didn’t care about what his dad would say, and he doubted he would notice (his dad had another, different geology show the next day and would most likely be asleep).

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