Name Essay | Teen Ink

Name Essay

February 28, 2019
By itscoldinhere BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
itscoldinhere BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In English, my name means wood, clearing, and meadow.  In Irish my name means ingenious. Ingenious means clever, and inventive and I like that because the name has such a soft warm happy feeling to it like when you see an old friend from elementary school. It correlates to my personality of how happy I am in the summer. It’s like the number three, not too many but just enough.

My mom named me Hailey after Halle Berry. She admired her beauty and selflessness--giving to those less fortunate than her.  I find that interesting because she was named the most beautiful woman in the world in 2003. She also won an Academy Award for best actress, she was the first African American to win the honor. I’ve always wanted to be an actress or model but don’t have the connections to become one.

At school, they always ask how my name is spelled. There’s always another girl named Hailey but spelled a different way. So it seems to become a debate on who has the right spelling and who gets the nickname.

I’ve always wanted my name to be Kelly. I’m glad that I wasn’t given that name because it seems like an old woman that works as a bank teller.  Hailey isn’t so professional but more happy and outgoing. Hailey is a true hot pink color. The excitement of cutting into the first slice of cake. So bight, always catching peoples eyes, and different from the rest of the colors. It’s like a big box of markers and you pick out the ones that stand out to you.


I will most definitely keep my name. My name and the definition of it plays a big role in my life, a good one at that and I wouldn’t trade it for any other one. Everyone is unique in their own way and I express it through my name.

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