The Significance of a Name | Teen Ink

The Significance of a Name

February 28, 2019
By 0parkinson BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
0parkinson BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name is like the number 13. It is a royal blue color. It is calm and mellow. It is like the ocean when the tide is low. It is like the city late at night, quiet and lit up.

My name has a Hebrew origin. Joshua was a companion to Moses. When Moses died Joshua succeeded him as leader of the Israelites. My Grandma inherited this Jewish background from her mother. And my Grandma passed it to my mom. Because of this, I feel like there is a connection between the two of us.

My name as the number 13. When you count 12,13,14 it sounds completely normal. If you look closer though, it is an odd number. It stands out. It is not divisible by anything but itself. It is a unique number. It shows that when in a group it fits in. Out of a group it is very unique and odd. Much like the name Joshua.


My middle name has significance to it. Phillip. That’s my grandpa’s first name. Philip. That’s my middle name. I see the difference in the name yet they sound the same. This seems a lot like my grandpa and I. My grandpa and I have a lot in common but there are a few things that make us different. Much like the one L that makes our names different.

My grandpa and I have similar things that we like, we have similar personalities, and the bond between us is very strong. One thing that we both like is the name Joshua because it is a royal blue color that is calm and mellow. The things that make us unique are the interesting differences. Much like that one L which represents the uniqueness of our names.

As a kid, I was scared to tell people my middle name. I didn’t want to be made fun of because of my initials. JPP. So funny, right? I already was made fun of and I didn’t want more. Now I realize that my middle name is important to me. My grandpa is named Phillip and he is a reason for me being named Joshua.


I like my name. My name has helped me develop myself as a person. I think that it pulls me closer to my family. I never want to change my name. I like the name Joshua Philip. I think that it flows nicely. My name can be said in so many different ways but in every way it means me. My name fits me well thank you.

The author's comments:

This piece was written for a composition class for a name essay. I wanted to cover what my name represents in this piece and think that I did that.

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