Synesthesia | Teen Ink


October 29, 2018
By Tennis02 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Tennis02 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A baby’s cry is bright brilliant blue like the oceans waves as they crash on shore

The sadness of puppies like the pain of a breaking heart

At the top of tomorrow waits the night sky of yesterday

The swirl of loneliness sounds like empty silence of a dark room with no light  

The enemy of green hides between the blue sky and the dirt of the ground

When you toss sadness to the wind, it returns as a burst of reality in your face

If you jump into the present, you’ll land on a haunting past

When you tiptoe through the Valley of Happiness, you might find specks of darkness that control your life don’t mean anything unless you let it.

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