Survivers | Teen Ink


December 18, 2017
By fishing123 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
fishing123 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One normal day me and my friend were on a plane and we were going to Hawaii for vacation while on the plane the pilot said, "everyone remain calm there is no need to panic", And that’s when it hit me there was something wrong with the plane. The wing somehow got ripped off we were going down really fast. Then all of the sudden. Boom! The plane hit the water and was sinking. Everyone was screaming except my friend and I. We grabbed as much materials as we could even stuff that wasn’t ours just in case we needed it because there was no way with all of the commotion that was happening there is no way any one ells could have made it out alive except for my friend and I. We got up and opened the emergency Hach and climbed out we swam up when we reached the top we saw an island. We started swimming When we got to the island we started gathering materials, and looking though the stuff that we got off of the plane. After that we started to look for fresh water because you could get sick by drinking ocean water. We searched for a long time but found nothing. It was getting dark outside so I started to build a shelter which I sort of had an idea of how to build it because I watch survival shows. I gathered a bunch of palm branches and big logs and started to build the shelter. My friend went off to hunt for food and came back with nothing. I made a fire for us and we went to bed hungry, and thirsty. When we woke up at about seven o'clock in the morning. We laid there for a couple of seconds, then we got up and started walking. We found a cave but didn’t see anything in there. We didn’t go in there either, because we didn’t want to get lost or get trapped so, we kept walking. we were walking for hours and were starving. We kept on walking and thank goodness, we found fresh water. We drank so much water our stomachs started to hurt a little. It was getting dark so we started gathered materials and built another shelter near the water so if we needed it than it would be there. My friend and I went hunting and found a lot of small fish so we went back to the shelter and got something that could have worked for a net to catch the fish to eat. We caught about twenty small fish. We came back to the camp and we I started to make a fire and when I finally made it we put the fish over the fire and waited about five minutes then we got to eat ten fish each and then we went to bed. When we woke up we started to go walk around the island to try and find if anyone is on the island. We finally said that we would go separate ways because it was a huge island. When I started I found nothing but then all of the sudden I found a bear luckily it didn’t see me so ran as fast as I could and while I was running I saw my friend. I came up to him and he told me to be quiet and I could see why. There was a military base and didn’t know who they were. While we were walking back to the shelter we were half way there when someone grabbed us by surprise. we were in a bag tied up ridding in some type of vehicle. Someone took us out of the car and out off the bag and we were at the base that we saw earlier the person took us in a jail and didn’t tell us what was going on. There was a small window that my friend went through to try and find anything to get me out of the jail because I couldn’t fit through the window. After a couple of hours my friend came back tied up by the person who got us earlier. I asked him how did he get caught and he said "it was my plan so he could get me and when he threw me in the cell I secretly grabbed the keys that were in his back pockets so we could open the door. He opened the door and we went out the back way there was one person there but we knocked him out then ran away as fast as we could. We went back to the shelter and heard a helicopter. We got a shiny piece of metal and reflected the light to the helicopter and the helicopter saw us. It landed and we hopped in to the helicopter and we flew home. When we got to our family we told them all about the awesome adventures that we had.

The author's comments:

i like the wild


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