Summer Adventures | Teen Ink

Summer Adventures

December 13, 2016
By PrestonSnider BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
PrestonSnider BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
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It was a hot and humid day in the middle of July.The sun was shining, the waves were crashing. For Kelly Snider it was a great day. Not only was it a great day for him because of the weather, but it was a great day because it was his last day of highschool! Kelly is a senior at Kemekono High and has been there all 4 years of highschool. He has always been the most popular kid in his class since freshman year. Kelley is an outstanding surfer, who enters contests whenever he can. He is a true adventurous lid that will do anything he is dared to.

As the school day came to an end, all Kelly could think about was the amazing swells in the ocean. He was dozed off in class, when suddenly he hears, “RINNNNNNG!” It was the last bell of his senior year! As soon as the last bell rang, he darted to his locker where Catherine Rivers, Kelly's girlfriend, was sitting there waiting for him. Kelly threw is books in his locker, walked off with Catherine, and never came back to the school again.

Catherine was one of the most popular girls in Kemekono High. She was the Homecoming and Prom Queen, and the head of the girls surfing club. When Kelly and Catherine walked to Kelly's black Jeep Wrangler , Kelly's sister, Lilo, met them at the car. Lilo was a freshman but now going into 10th. Like her brother, she is also an amazing surfer who loves to have fun. She is also very popular and looked to be as the whole package. The 3 of them drove away from school and headed home to pack a backpack for the beach. They grabbed snacks, drinks, go pros, and some other items. Then they were on their way to the beach. With not a cloud in the sky the two Snider kids, along with Catherine, went on with a beautiful day at surf.

After the day at surf, Kelly dropped off Catherine at her house and drove home with Lilo. As soon as the Snider kids got home, their father, Preston was sitting with their mom, Kaia, and three people they have never met before.

“ Hello kids, these are our good friends from high school Mia and Nico and their daughter Mary.” Said Preston.

The kids and the Jackson’s (Mia, Nico and Mary) exchanged a few words of greetings while shaking hands. Preston explained to the kids that the Jackson’s came from Los Angeles to visit for a couple of days. As the kids in the Jackson’s determined what rooms they were staying in, they got settled to go back downstairs to watch TV and socialize with the families. But right when the kids walked downstairs, six more people were standing at the door. Preston jumped up from his chair and ran to greet these people. Preston looked as happy as he did when he won the pipeline contest two years in a row. He explains to his kids that these two couples, along with their kids, were also great friends from high school. These new people were Owen and Diana Holtzburger, along with their daughter Penelope, and Mason and  Moana Stanley, along with their son Terry. As all families settled in, Luke and Demetria woods and their son Otis came in obnoxiously and loud. With Otis running straight for the kitchen, Luke and Demetria gave hugs and handshakes to the families. 

“The whole squad back together,” exclaimed Luke.

The rest of the night was pretty chill. The families talked and hung out and played a couple games against each other. As it was almost time for bed, Mia had a great idea. She told the group that all five families should go surfing the next day. Everyone seemed to love the idea. Everyone went to bed excited for the day to come.

When the sun rose up on the house in Hawaii, Luke was the first one up and immediately woke everyone up as well. Everyone slow they got their things together to pack up in the car and they were on their way to the beach. As they were thinking of places to go and serve Kelly and Lilo remembered they ones went night surfing for a party once in a hidden spot. Kelly directed all the cars to the hidden spot as everyone sat and curiosity Of what they will be expecting. Within 45 minutes they were at the spot with all belongings and boards in hand. They walked up to the mysterious beach. The waves were huge with clear waters as far as you can see in palm trees fill the outside areas, With coconuts in groups of three. As they walked through a tight area of tree covering over them, and single file line until the beach finally opened out to see the beautiful site. Along with huge clear waves in the water palm trees all around, there were gorgeous color parrots all over the place and turtles right on the bank of the shore. Santa is the perfect color yellow and soft as pillows. Out to the distance of the warm beach there sat a little island full of trees and sand.

Mia, Demetria, and all the girls stayed in the sand all day chilling in the recliner chairs, getting tan and relaxing. While Preston and Kaia taught some of the kids how to surf. Kelly and Lilo went right to the waves to catch the beautiful rides. After a few minutes the other kids started coming one by one out to sea, to surf with them. It was the kids first time surfing (other then Kelly and Lilo) so they struggled a little bit. After about two hours of surfing, corn hole, frisbee and football on the beach. The kids wanted to go exploring as the parents chilling on the beach. The kids went out on their boards to sea. When they saw the mysterious island, right away Kelly started for it as everyone followed. When all six kids got to the island and set their boards half in the water, half in the sand, they went exploring the abandoned island. The island was full of trash. Cheeto bags, empty beer cans, spray cans and so much more. The island had a Hammock with a burnt out fire that has random sticks, that look like they have blood on them. The kids started to get nervous if someone was on the island but Kelly stayed positive and kept exploring. Mary told the group to stay together just in case they see something dangerous.

“I'll keep you safe,” stats Otis to Mary as he looks at her with a winkie face. Mary rolled her eyes and kept walking. One part of the island got steep, fast. The five kids, not including Otis, cut down a steep hill easily. But Otis was afraid. As the kids started yelling at him to hurry up because it was getting dark. Otis took one step and fell to the bottom of the hill. The kids went to him with helpful hands as Otis was definitely in pain. Since Lilo knows the most about survival, she checked him out and found an open gash on his leg. Lilo told the kids to search for any large sticks, robe or anything that could be helpful to Otis. Penelope came back with a backpack full of stuff because she remembered seeing one at the campsite. Inside the bag was Band-Aids, Sports wrap and earbuds with one bud. Lilo used the sports wrap to keep the world together and tied it up with the earbuds. Terry and the rest came back with all different size sticks. Terry found a good one that Otis could use as a crutch. By now the time was late. The sky was dark and the kids were scared because they had no phones, no drinks and no food. The kids got back to the spot they left their boards but all of them were gone except for one. Where did they go? What were the kids going to do? That sure was about 500 yards, or five football fields, away from where they were. They couldn’t swim because shark swim around the island at night. They couldn’t take one board because The others wouldn’t fit. So they sat there thinking of what they will do.

After about 15 minutes of thinking, Otis have an idea. He told the group that Lilo, Mary and himself should go to the shore on the one board and paddle to land, to get him a doctor. Then Lilo would come back with help. So the group agreed on the idea and they sent off on the board. Since Otis was fat and very lazy, he laid down on the board as Lilo and Mary paddled. While they were doing that, the other kids made a fire and sat around talking about one another and getting to know each other better. The kids all caught along well and talked and had a good time until…. All of a sudden as the kids were talking, a crazy man with long brown hair, no shirt, and short shorts on came at and scared them. The man had a lot of face paint and even more tattoos. The kids immediately got up and started running. But the crazy man was too fast. The guy caught up to them and grabbed Penelope’s arm. The kids started slowing down, yelling at the guy to stop and let her go. It was a dark, foggy Night so none of the kids could really catch a good glimpse of the guys face, until he started talking. It was Luke. Coming out of the shadows came everyone’s parents and laughter because they just scared their children. Then Demetria notices that her son isn’t there, along with Lilo and Mary. The kids told the parents of what happened. The parents took a boat to the island so they all, kids too, jumped in the boat to go find Otis and the other two girls. Everyone was screaming their names, when suddenly the boats light caught them in the distance. As they pulled up, Otis his feet and legs were in the water, trying to pull himself back up, Mary and Lilo were hysterically laughing at Otis. Trying to hold back her laugh, Mary told the parents that Otis fell asleep on the board while they were paddling and Otis fell in. As all the kids and all the parents got in the boat, everyone laughed and told each other how their day went. They pulled up to the shore and all packed up to go home. But Otis and Luke had to stop by the hospital to get Otis checked out. Finally, when everyone got to the Snider house, they talked, laughed and play games just as they did before. While planning the next trip all the families settled for bed, for the next adventure tomorrow. The end.

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