The Curtain Call of a Demon | Teen Ink

The Curtain Call of a Demon

October 10, 2016
By Anonymous

I’m one of the survivor of my graduation trip for college. Most of my friends died to that trip. Others are gone missing in the world. We headed to Africa with the yacht that we rented together. We had a lot of fun and we absolutely enjoyed this trip. But one man turned our memory into an unspeakable horror. He is Khada. He believes killing is art. He called himself the only Virtuoso in Central Africa. That psychopath ruined my life.
Cass handed me a drink and smiled towards me.
“Jason, you feel nervous for this trip?” Cass asked.
“No, I’m fine, I think we should head back to the hotel. It is too dangerous out here at night.” I replied.
“Don’t be a coward, Jason. We’re going to discover the island.” Henry said.
We arrived at the island, the port seems destroyed by some people, we need to jump into the water and climb up to the ladder. I saw a village was already burned downed to ashe. Wolf starts howling, bugs starts singing. I feel this island is dangerous. Suddenly, i felt something heavy hit my head, i fell down to the ground and become unconscious.
“Wake up! Jason! Wake up!”
I saw i’m tied up with rope, and i feel my head is bleeding. I saw Henry is also tied up and sitting next to me.
“Where are we? Where is Cass? Where are the others?” I asked quietly.
“I don’t know, they should be around here, we need to get out of here right now.” Henry whispered.
A man opened the door slowly. He came in without a word. I’m terrified by seeing his face. He wears a white mask and I can see the blood-colored eyes through his mask. He looks like a demon from the hell.
“Who are you, why do you do this to us, what do you want from us?” I shouted
He walked closer to me and said, “Welcome to the show, Jason!” I need to get out of this place with my friends before we are going to get killed in here.
I woke up and  slowly pushed myself to a sitting position. Immediately, a guard unlocked the door, entered, and said, “Wake up and eat your food.” I quickly finished the bland oatmeal and waited while the assigned guard came back.
After several minutes, the guard come in with a pistol and pointed the gun at me.
Then, at that moment, the door flew open. The guard turned around with a look of surprise. Cass used a brick and knocked him right in the floor.
Cass untied me and henry and I kneeled down beside his unconscious body. With Cass’s help, I exchanged clothes with him, donning the armor and the helmet , disguising of one of them. Henry took the gun because he has license with it and he knows how to shoot. Then I opened the door and peeked at it. I could see several people walking around. I stepped out with Cass and Henry closed the door behind us. Keeping my head down, I kept a hand on Cass as we walked to the gate. Henry punched in the code and pushed the door open. We went through and gazed at our new surroundings. I see the moon shining on the sky and i can hear howling from the wolves. There was nobody that we could see. The end of the way connected with another building. To the right was the river, so we went to the left. We continued to wander through this place, unsure where the exit is.
Suddenly, alarms went off all over the base and the lights in the ceiling turned red. Cass and I looked at each other. Then three of us ran, without stopping to think where I went.
I saw the guards are coming from the left side.  We had to duck beside the car as the guards in black uniforms carrying weapons ran by. Fortunately, they didn’t feel suspicious about it.  As Cass and Henry began to move. Another guard saw us and start shooting at us. I grabbed Cass and we ran, trying to jump into the river and hope we don’t die from it. They chased us some small buildings. Henry, who was ahead of me, reached out and ready for the final run to the water. Suddenly, a sniper shot Henry’s head, i can see through his face under the moonlight, he’s the man who came in front of my face and talked to me. At this moment, i felt rage inside of my heart, he killed my best friend in my life. I will make him pay back. I turned and grabbed Cass and we jump into the water. The masked man keep shooting us but he missed all of the shots.
After I saw a small village, me and Cass walked away from the river and ask for help from the villagers. I walk into the village, people are extremely nice in there and they know how to say English. They gave us some blanket and allowed us to into a small house for resting. I’m too tired to feel all the pains from my body. I lie down to the bed and instantly slept on it. In these days, I kept seeing Henry got killed in front of me in my dream. I went into a gun shop and asked for a gun.
“What do you need the gun for, sir?” The man asked.
“My friend got killed by a man that wears a white mask, i want to revenge for him.” I said.
“Khada? He’s a demon, I suggest you don’t look for revenge on him, he’s extremely dangerous, people lived here were all terrified by him.”
“No, I already chosen my path for the future, i need to revenge for my friend, either i will die from it.”
The man gave me a pistol and some ammo clip, i grabbed it and put the ammo clip in my pocket, At the threshold, i turned around and said to the man. “If i died, please tell the girl that comes with me, I love her…”
I followed the way that we came from the river. I finally found the base. I wore one of their armor and helmet and sneaked into the entrance. I didn’t see a single guard walking around in here. I opened a door from a customized building inside the base.
“Welcome back to the show! Jason.” Khada said.
I pointed the gun at his head but i felt shivering by looking at his face. His blood-colored eyes under his mask is terrifying me. I’m ready to pull the trigger with my gun. At this moment, i feel a gun pointed behind my head. I dropped my gun and Khada walked in front of me.
“You will become my masterpiece.” He whispered beside my ear. After this I got knocked out by the guards and i become unconscious. I woke up on top of a tower, Khada is in front of me and i’m facing his back. He turned back and throw me a gun. This is a duel. I ran into him and take him with me into the river. I felt a heavy impact on my head and I start gaining unconscious.
I woke up completely stiff in my bed to the sound of the wake-up alarm and forced open one eye. I’m in a hospital and Cass is next to me. I’m alive.

The author's comments:

I'm inspired by a video game story, the antagonist, Khada. He was a villain who believes killing is art. The original character's personaility from video game is very similar to him.

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