The Traitor | Teen Ink

The Traitor

October 10, 2016
By Acordero BRONZE, Dublin, California
Acordero BRONZE, Dublin, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There things I have fought my hardest for but this battle is one I can't fight alone .....
"Run and don't come back" my father said before passing away in front eyes from the large gashes all over his body.

I woke up sweating and scared remembering the incident that took place 3 years ago. I will never forget that day, but it encourages me to keep fighting every day. We had to move from are old pack after dad died and I promised to take care of mom I still can't mention him or she will burst into tears. My mom and I are both wolves. We got an ok to move into another pack so we left all expenses paid. When we arrived I looked at the clean white house it was pretty big for just the two of us, It had a brown colored door which looked nice on the white house it had 2 stories and lots of windows which was a plus because I loved to read sitting next to the window. The lawn was nicely cut and had beautiful roses outlining it. I walked through the house and found my bedroom as I drifted to sleep from the long flight I thought school tomorrow.
I woke up with a great night's sleep and started to get ready for school  as I finished getting ready I skipped breakfast and went straight to school earning a complaint from my mom. As I arrived at the blue and grey colored high school I heard yelling so being the curious and obnoxious girl I am I followed the noise I see a boy maybe the same age as me being beaten up by some vampires who I hate because they harmed my dad.. I saw red as I lunged for them taking them off the boy who smelt like a mure human. It was law to not disturb the vampires here  because then war would break loose but I didn’t care I was always defiant. I helped him up and offered to take him to the nurse's office but he refused and left. I walked away to try and find my first period so I could keep myself composed. After 5 minutes of looking around  I found my first period  math as I opened the door I apologise to the teacher and took a seat next to a girl with dyed blond hair.
“Hi I’m Catalina what's your name?” I asked
She replied with “Lacy”
She paused then said “What you did this morning for Ryan was really nice”
“Thank you” I replied
Throughout the period I learned that she was also a wolf and that we both had the same schedule and some other things she takes interest to, by lunch it was like we knew each other for years and I never felt so connected with someone. As we walked to her usual lunch table I saw Ryan and this other girl sitting on the table we walked over to them and Lacy introduced me to them, “Hi guys this is Catalina she is new here,” said lacy.
“Hi” they both replied
Then Ryan said “Thank you for helping me but I don't want you to face the consequences for helping me.”
“I don’t care about that,” I replied
After I said that he stayed quiet, After lunch I got to know more about the girl that was next to Ryan. Her name was Jessica and was really sweet but had a crazy side to her. She was fun to hang out with.
After school……
We all agreed to go to Jessica’s house so I was waiting for them outside. As I was waiting for them the boys that were bullying Ryan came up to me and started to threaten me. One said “ You know what you did back there was against our law so we might have to start a war.” I got irritated with them threatening so I stepped on his foot and pushed the the other two in the face and run back into the school while they were recovering. I see Ryan, Jessica, and Lacy coming over to me.
“Run,” I yelled as we was running to where they had came from they all turned around to see the group of guys heading over to us.
“Run,” I yelled again. They all got the hint and started to run as fast as they could to get away. I saw the boys starting to run so I push everyone into a classroom and locked the doors so they couldn’t get in. We all started to try and catch our breath till Ryan said “What did you do to them”
“You don’t want to know…, Where’s Jessica,” I asked. We all looked and didn’t see her so we peacked out the window on the door and didn't see the group of boys or Jessica so we left the school and went to Lacy’s house once we arrived and knew we were safe we called Jessica. RING RING RING RING RING “Hello?” Jessica said
“Where did u go we thought you got hurt,” Lacy said.
“Oh sorry I ran outside of the school and went home,” Jessica said but something about her voice told me that it was a lie and I think Lacy heard it too.
“Ok see u later then,” Lacy said and then hung up.
After that we all just watched a movie and had a food fight, at 10:00 my mom called and said there was an attack at the pack house so we and lacy left Ryan sleeping and ran to go help when we got there we saw our pack fighting with the vampires so we came in and helped I was tackling a couple and the rest went of the battle finished like a blur when I turned around I was most of our pack was still alive so I went to help the injured as I was walking to the infirmary I smelt something unusual as I was looking around I got jumped by… Jessica she was a vampire she was hissing and scratching till I got ahold of her and stuck her in one of the cells under the pack house that is when I knew I had let my guard down.

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