The Big, Fat Liar | Teen Ink

The Big, Fat Liar

May 12, 2016
By ZachShald BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
ZachShald BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Lies are usually told by people who want to keep things to him/herself or to trick people into thinking that the liar is innocent, but they are not.  Lies are usually told in the opposite of what happened like “Did you do your homework?”  “Yes, I did do my homework.” when in reality he didn’t do his homework.  Unfortunately, that didn’t stop Alec Grey, a 12-year-old student in middle school from realizing the horrible truth that lies usually have bigger consequences than telling the truth.

It was a typical sunny afternoon where the students ate their lunches and talk to their friends in the cafeteria when Alec argued to Bryant Clint about how jealous he is because he got a better score on his math test than him.  This wasn’t a typical argument as they said mean words back to back which the writer cannot display so that this story would be suitable for all ages.  However, it basically went like this.

“I don’t understand.  Why did you get a better score than me?” Said Alec.
“I am overall better than you.” Replied Bryant.  “I also don’t get distracted as much as you do.”
“I don’t get distracted!”
“Then why do you have that cell phone that you take out almost every day?”
“You take that back!”
“Not until you get your grades up.”

So, they got into a fight.  The other students noticed it, so they said “Fight!” over and over again and got into a typical circle.  This went on until a teacher stopped them.

“What’s the meaning of this?” Said the teacher.
“He’s bullying me!” Said Alec.
“No, you’re bullying me!” Said Bryant.
“That’s it, you two are going to the principal’s office where you’ll get punished!”
“Aw, man!” Said Alec.

When arriving at the principal office, both of the boys got disciplined and called the parents to tell them what happened.  Alec’s mom, Vikki, went to the school and yelled at him.

“Did you get into a fight with Bryant?!” Yelled Vikki.
“No, I didn’t get into a fight with Bryant, ” Said Alec.
“So who did?”
Alec stuttered before saying something that was false, even for the reader.
“It was Tom!  He was arguing to Bryant about his lunch money!”
“Okay.  Tell me more.” Said Vikki.

Alec made up a story about how Tom and Bryant got into a fight.  He said that it was about an hour ago when Tom stole Bryant’s lunch money.  Bryant got angry and decided to get into a fight with Tom.  Of course, that was not true, but the principal believed his made up story!

“I see.” Said the principal.  “We will take appropriate action on them.”

So the school punished Bryant and Tom because of that accusation.

The next few days went on like usual where the students went to their classes, then lunch, and then home.  But the next day after those was different.

Suspicion started arising when a student showed a video filming the whole incident on his camera.  Some people, even Alec, said that the video was made up and he was filming a previous incident.  Some people said that video was true and Alec did get into a fight with Bryant and not Tom.  Nevertheless, the student who filmed the video went to the office and discussed it to the principal.

“So, you’re saying that this is the video you’ve recorded?” Said the principal.
“Yes, this is the video.” Said the student.  “It’s the video about a week ago about the incident.”
“It’s rather low quality.”
“Shut up.  That’s not important.”
“Well, that settles it.  We must tell Alec’s mom that he actually got into a fight.”

So, the principal called Vikki.

“Vikki here.”
“Hello.” Said the principal.  “We’ve got new evidence about the fight.”
“I thought that Alec wasn’t in the fight.” Said Vikki.
“Well, you were wrong.  Alec lied about the whole situation in order to not get in trouble.”

So, when Alec went home his mom talked to him about the lie and when he mentioned it, his mom almost exploded.

“Why did you do this?!” Exclaimed Vikki.
“I thought to lie won’t get you into trouble.” Said Alec, nervously.
“Well, now you know!”

Alec was grounded for a week because of this and he promises to never lie about it again.

The moral of the story is quite simple.  Even with consequences lying ahead, you gotta accept the facts and tell the truth.

The author's comments:

I hope people will learn that lying is not the way to be sometimes.  It will give you more consequences than telling the truth.

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