The Bumblebee | Teen Ink

The Bumblebee

May 7, 2016
By Luke_L. BRONZE, Boulder, Colorado
Luke_L. BRONZE, Boulder, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Buzzer. I was flying along to a very pretty flower to collect pollen on a sunny summer day when suddenly a huge, spinning, and oval object that said Wilson on it came screaming through the air and smashed my destination. I was so insulted that the obnoxious U.F.O dared to destroy a flower that I stung it. The thing got way smaller and made a hissing noise. I was very lucky my stinger didn’t break off or I would not be around to tell this story.

    I flew back to my hive to only find it crumbled on the ground, still attached to the branch it was hanging from. Laying against the tree it was in was a shiny, sharp saw blade. The branch what hanging out over one of those strange, huge human dwellings so it must have been cut down. The shock of finding my nest destroyed made me weak so I fell to the grass. After resting I flew into the remains of my hive expecting to find the motionless corpses of my colony but instead the hive was totally empty. This gave me hope. I flew along searching for a newly constructed nest. For the rest of the day I flew searching. When night fell I flew into an old woodpecker nest in a very old and crippled crabapple tree to spend the night after a long day of flying.
The next morning I settled down on a rock. I listened and heard the delicate trickle of water splashing on rocks. I flew forward towards the sound and there I saw it. In a beautiful, golden maple tree perched on the edge of a towering and glistening waterfall is a brand new nest. I fly topspeed straight into my new nest to greet my colony. Everyone was so happy to see me. My colony broke out a lot of honey for a great party. I was wondering where all that extra honey came from. We don’t have that much honey around unless… wait! They must have gotten it from the winter ration stash! So, I asked. “Hey Honey Comb, is this honey from the winter stash?” “Nope, I think you're crazy to suggest such a thing like that Buzzer” he said while laughing. This was a dead give away that the honey was from the winter rations. As the the night wore on I told my story of the previous two days and slowly fell off to sleep.
The End!

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