The Battle of the Gremlins or Friends | Teen Ink

The Battle of the Gremlins or Friends

May 5, 2016
By annierainbow BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
annierainbow BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Katlin!” a feminine voice screamed.
Katlin maneuvered through the dark night, leaping over limp bodies that were once happy individuals, but now dead souls, painfully murdered, in this atrocious war.
“Sam! Keep up! They are gaining on us rapidly, and if we put down our game, we could possibly die, and lose everything we love, as well as let down the majestic queen! We don’t have time for a coffee break!” Katlin cried back.
Katlin smirked triumphantly, when she identified the opponents’ cherished riches, inside a huge, midnight black crate, with gorgeous jewels, of diamond, ruby, and sapphire, decorating the surface. 
At that moment, an ugly, tiny, hunchbacked figure, hurtled itself at Katlin, from behind, with a giant club. Katlin swiveled around to face the creature, and raised her petite sword. With a sharp swipe, she cut into the beast’s chest. Crimson blood leaked out of the wound onto the somber black terrain and on Katlin. She brushed herself off nonchalantly as the creature howled in agony, gripping the place where Katlin pierced him.
“Katlin,” Samantha said in a softer voice, “It’s, it’s… Alice.”
Katlin stopped in her tracks, digging trenches into the dirt, “Alice? How in the wide world, did she get here?!” Katlin shrieked.
“I don’t know, but she’s only a few meters away from the heart of the battle,” Samantha started explaining, but Katlin was already bolting away like lightning in the opposite direction.
Katlin plunged into the darkness, and the sea of bodies, with her minuscule, yet powerful blade held out in front of her. In the distance, a young girl, no older than ten, was punching away the hideous monsters that Katlin had been fighting.
“Alice! Why, why are you here?” Katlin cried, grabbing the girl, in a massive hug.
“Why not? I saw you and Sam, enter through this big blue gateway, so I went over to it, and a beautiful young woman, gestured me inside. So I came,” Alice spoke, kicking a beast in the face.
“Alice, you can’t be here! It’s way too dangerous! It’s in the middle of a tremendous war. Plus, why did you follow me? You know how many times I’ve told you not to trail me when I’m heading here!” Katlin screeched.
“I…I just thought that…” Alice stammered, stunned by Katlin’s immense outburst.
“Thought what!?” Katlin howled, the emotions inside of her, too much to bear.
Suddenly, a beast found the perfect time to attack Katlin. The determined brute, swung its enormous club in a gorgeous arch, right into Katlin’s side. The tiny, knife-edged spikes that resided on the club, dug into Katlin. She collapsed to the floor, her blood drenching her shirt as it dripped down her leg. Two large monsters reached out their horrific arms and picked up Katlin’s unsuspecting, prized treasure: Alice.
“Alice!” Katlin shouted, taking a gasping breath. The club came too close to her ribs.
“Katlin, please don’t move! They are only apprehending me because I’m close to you!”  Alice wailed, “If you follow, they’ll kill us both!”
“But, but, Alice! I couldn’t live, if you were dead!” Katlin wheezed attempting to stand, but her injured body gave out beneath her.
“Well, you wouldn’t be alive, if I was!” Alice argued back.
Then, the horrid barbarians whipped out a scratchy, dark green, handkerchief and tied it over Alice’s small mouth. Alice struggled her puny limbs, and whimpered like a sad puppy, but the goblins were stronger, than little Alice, so eventually she gave up, and let herself be carried away, by the their gruesome arms.
“Alice! Alice,” Katlin yelled, but her air seemed trapped, and she couldn’t get any words out. Katlin reached up a limp hand, but she crumpled, and didn’t budge anymore. The last thing she heard was, footsteps slapping the ground behind her.

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This article has 1 comment.

mombebu4 said...
on May. 9 2016 at 9:22 pm
wow! so much action in a short story. Very vividly described that I want it to be a book . I want the story to continue