The Party | Teen Ink

The Party

April 29, 2016
By GIRLWRITER BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
GIRLWRITER BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
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I can’t wait till Summer, Summer is the best season in Arizona. Every year you hear ice cream trucks driving around the streets. Arizona is a warm place the thing that I like best about it is the beach. I live near the beach and the view is so beautiful. I am very lucky because I can go to the beach like every day.
My name is Hannah but my friends give me the nickname Hannah banana. I have long brown hair and my eyes are brown to. I was born is California but since my dad lost his job a couple years ago we had to move to Arizona. Most of my family is from Arizona which is good because we can visit them whenever we want. When I moved to Arizona and went to a different school I was all alone because no one liked me because they thought I was weird. But as I got used to the school I met this nice girl named Veronica.
I moved when I was in kindergarten and I am in 7th grade now so basically we have been friends for a very long time. A little bit of things about Veronica is that she is smart, funny, and brave. Another thing is she has brown eyes and hair just like me. We are basically twins because every time we have to leave someone always calls her Hannah and someone calls me Veronica. I don’t know what I would do without her. She is basically my soul mate. 
   So today when I went to school I was talking to her about my party I was going to have for my birthday since I was turning 13. Before I knew it Veronica surprised me with the last party I had so who know she might do it this year too. I walked up to veronica and we talked about normal things that teen talk about such as Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, and so much more.
  A couple days past and it was the day of my party. We finally decided that we wanted to have a sleepover party because she was the only one coming but that was because we didn’t want to make new friends because we thought we would lose each other. So we had the whole party planned. After a few hours the school day had ended and after I ran to Veronica. I found Veronica and we started looking for my mom so that we could get the party started. We found her and as soon as we knew it we were at the house and everything was decorated and ready for us to party. We rushed upstairs and watched an eerie movie called “Hush”. But we couldn’t watch it without food because we and teens and we eat a lot, so we baked some popcorn and went back upstairs and watched the movie.   After we watched the movie it was about close to 8 so I told my mom that we were going to walk to 711 because we were close to it and we usually go there whenever Veronica comes to the house. Oh course we are teens so we lie to our moms, so we did go to 711 but we didn’t go straight home. A couple weeks back Veronica and I were going to 711 and we found an abandoned house. That’s when we came up with the idea to go there when I have my birthday. We slowly walked to the door as my hand is reaching to it, all I can feel is a frigid door knob and it is shiny. I couldn’t open it so we went to the backyard and started to find unlocked windows. We were very lucky and we found an unlocked window. We opened it but first we had to rip the screen so that we could climb in. We finally made it in and we looked around, we didn’t want to walk in the dark so we brought flashlights to look around. It seemed as if the floor was going to break and as soon as I found out the floor split in half and Veronica and I fell into the basement. It didn’t seem like an ordinary basement because there were doors all over the place. We checked the first door and it was locked, so was the next one, and the next one. There was no hope so we opened the last door and it was unlocked because Veronica checked. When she opened the door then nothing happened so she walked in and she said it smelled funny. We turned on our phones lights and all we could see was a never-ending tunnel, so we took our chances and looked in. I smelled awful but we still went in, after a few minutes of walking all we could see are signs that said do not enter and a beware sign. We just ignored them and kept walking it was basically just concreate that had a lot of writing, so we just kept walking, walking, and walking. We didn’t see anything but pitch black when we were walking we saw lights. Veronica and I got excited so we ran.
All I could feel was frigid air, we turned our heads to where the lights were and we saw a lot of old stuff that was from I think the 1950’s because it was so old looking. Veronica spotted jewelry and stated putting on the shiny gold necklaces on. After lurking around Veronica and Hannah came upon a lantern. It seemed to be working so they turned it on, When they turned it on the black eerie monster that Hannah had saw in her dream slowly came out and started to say that it was all her fault again. Hannah paused as if she had ran out of air because of how scared she was and when Veronica got her attention Hannah had come back and stated yelling we need to get out of here to Veronica. Veronica had started to run as fast as she could with Hannah but just like that Veronica was captured. Hannah didn’t want to lose her friend so she had grabbed Veronica’s hand and yanked it towards herself. She had just realized that she could not be stronger than the monster so she had to let go. The monster had ran the other way with Veronica and Hannah was running towards her, she kept yelling let her go to the monster but it didn’t let go. Hannah had stopped running because she was out of air and the monster kept running. As Hannah’s eyes started filling up with water the monster had stopped and disappeared which made Veronica drop onto the floor. Hannah had ran one again to Veronica, and it seemed as if Veronica wasn’t breathing. Hannah kept saying no again while her tears were slowly dropping off her face, but she didn’t give up and she started to ask Veronica to wake up. A couple minutes later when she figured out her best friend had died she lied next to her. Hannah was thinking about all the amazing things that they had done together and when she got up she saw Veronica breathing once more, Hannah jumped up feelingly asking Veronica to wake up and when she just said that right after she had woke up. Hannah shaded tears of joy. After a couple minutes they hugged and started to run back to Hannah’s house. After that they had the best night of their life and the morning after that they acted like none of that ever happened because they knew that they were both ok.

                        THE END 

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