The Trout's Decision | Teen Ink

The Trout's Decision

April 24, 2016
By Anonymous

There was this trout that always wanted to fit in with the group, maybe it benefited his life, maybe it didn’t. Who knows? He would do anything to be the part of the group. He lived in an ocean .While swimming, he saw a big bold salmon. That salmon was the lion of the ocean. No one wanted to mess with him and everybody wanted to be him. Never had he seen a fish with that kind of power. He really wanted to be the salmon.  But in reality, all he really wanted was power. He wasn’t the type to do daring things. That night, the trout thought about if he wanted to be like the salmon. He thought of all consequences there would be if he had authority. So caught up with that thought of power, he didn’t think about the bad consequences.
By morning, the trout decided that he would ask the salmon if he could shadow him for the day.  It took some courage to ask the salmon, but he eventually did it. The salmon thought for a second and said he could, while trying to hide a huge grin from the trout. To his surprise, the joyful trout didn’t notice a thing. The salmon started the day by surveying the whole ocean for any suspicious activity that might have been going on.
Eventually, he found a group of fish vandalizing property. As swift as the wind, the salmon quickly took their equipment and sent them to prison. “Wow!” the trout thought. He would never have the courage to do that, never in his life.
“You think you could do that?” asked the salmon.
“I probably could,” said the lying trout.
“We will see…” said the salmon.
The next day, the salmon instructs him to clean up the mess the group of fish made. After that, he had a task for the trout. The task was to drive a shark crazy so would it chase him. The trout was very hesitant and slow to answer him. But then again, it was the wild life of the salmon. If the salmon suggested it, then it was probably a good idea. He didn’t want to disappoint him so without thinking it through, the trout accepted it.
Next, the salmon pointed out a pretty big shark. It was as big as a mountain, its teeth were razors, was light grey, and had tiny spots. By now, the trout was shaking. He had to do it. There was no going back now. Slowly, the trout advanced closer to the shark. He started poking the shark with a stick. It started to get annoyed. Overtime it couldn’t take it anymore and got mad. It started chasing the little trout around and almost got a bit of it. Luckily, the trout escaped without any injuries. He almost died and risked his life to do that. But in the trout’s opinion, the task earned the salmon’s trust and made them friends.
Finally, on the perfect day, the salmon asked the trout to do one final task for him. The task was to eat the bait off a hook when the fishing boats came. In a normal tone, the salmon said he did it all the time and he would show him if he wanted him to. The trout said he would like to see the salmon do it first and the salmon agreed to. It was determined, that a week from now, when the people went fishing, the both of them would eat the bait off the hook.
Like a flash, the days went by and it had already been a week. The trout was all shivering when the fishing boat came in their direction. The salmon was quite calm.
“Like I said, I’ll go first,” said the salmon
“Are you ready to do it?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” said the trout confidently
Quickly but precise, the salmon shot up and got the bait without disturbing the hook so the people wouldn’t notice any movement from the hook. The trout really didn’t want to do it, but the peer pressure had gotten to him. He had to do it now. How could he disappoint the person he looked up to?
“You’re up next.” Said the salmon
The shaking trout, too nervous to notice what he was doing, shot up like a bullet and started tugging on the bait, but it wouldn’t come off! This was all because of his decision and because of that, he was now screwed. The people on top felt the tugging and pulled the hook and the trout up with it. Slowly but surely, the trout’s end was coming. Now the salmon’s huge smirk came back and he was laughing.
“A huge lesson learned for that little fellow.”
“He could have asked not to do it, but he didn’t.”
From that day on, no trout can be found in any ocean.

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