Reason | Teen Ink


April 5, 2016
By Shimir BRONZE, Goulds, Florida
Shimir BRONZE, Goulds, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Get what life gives ''

Beep!! Beep!! Beep!! My alarm went off causing me to jump up and hit my head on a book shelf OUCH i yelled almost as loud as a baby crying when needing its diaper changed. I flopped back down into my bed then slid out of it like a snake until I hit the floor with aloud thud. I went to brush my teeth only to find out that the colgate tooth pastewas stuck in the tube. I squezed and squeezed still nothing so i looked very close to the tube like looking into a microscope but only not seeing through the other side. I squeezed mot knowing how painful it would be ''Does everything happen for a reason?'' I yelled with my hands in the air and my head back trying to make out teh objects on the roof then suddenly my lights cut off. Wait whats is todays date aww man I forgot to pay my light bill and im late for work.


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