Minatory Motel | Teen Ink

Minatory Motel

March 13, 2016
By Bodinator BRONZE, Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania
Bodinator BRONZE, Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Nancy was looking for a place to stay. She was visiting family in Nevada and was now on her way back home. She needed somewhere to sleep for the night and passed by a hotel that advertised a price of $40 for the night. That seemed like a reasonable price.

It was a rainy night which was odd because it did not rain much in Nevada. She parked the car and ran inside where a man sat at the desk and looked as though he had been expecting her. His eerie look made her had second thoughts about the place, but she was too exhausted to travel anywhere else. “Welcome to the Minatory Motel” he said. “My name is Ethan, allow me to take your bags.”

“Thank you,” she said “I am looking for a room for just one night.”

“But of course ma’am all of our guests are only here for one night.”

She paid for the room and was escorted in by Ethan. She threw her bags on the bed and decided to shower before she went to bed. The warm water eased her tension and though she was still skeptical about the hotel she knew she would still make it out alive. After she stepped out of the room she noticed that her bags were now on the ground. “Odd,” she thought. She dried off and wrapped herself up under the covers. Nancy was hungry and decided to call room service. She ordered a bacon burrito and Ethan soon arrived. “Are you the only other person in this motel?” she asked.

“I run the entire establishment myself and at the moment we have no other customers Miss Nancy” he answered.

“I never told you my name,” she said.

“I noticed on your credit card Miss Nancy I make it a priority to know all of my guests’ names.” There was a pause. “Enjoy your burrito,” he said. Nancy was beginning to get frightened and She turned on the TV to ease her mind. Her favorite show was on and she soon fell asleep watching.

The door creaked and Ethan stepped in. A beautiful woman like Nancy was too good for him to resist. She had left the TV on making his entrance easier. He came up close to her breathing softly onto her face. She was still fast asleep. He pulled his knife and the thunder roared outside. “Now this is no fun,” Ethan thought. He liked being able to see the fear in his victim's eyes before he took their life. He spoke softly, “Nancy….nancy….”

“Who’s there?” Nancy said as she slowly opened her eyes. The lightning flashed and she caught a glimpse of Ethan’s face before everything faded to black. Ethan took her and placed her in the cellar with the rest.

A few days later Jared the county sheriff, hearing reports about a mysterious motel where visitors would disappear the next  day and decided to go see for himself what the fuss was about. He was a heavyset man with broad shoulders, toned muscles, and was confident that he would be able to take care of this problem. He assembled his team and told them to wait at the station and he would come get them once he had captured the murderer.

He walked into the hotel. “Now why would anyone name their motel the Minatory Motel?” he thought. “I guess most people don’t know the meaning of Minatory.” “Hello sir my name is Jared and I am looking for a place to stay for the night,” Jared said as he came up to Ethan who was sitting at the desk.

“Of course sir allow me to escort you to your room,” said Ethan.

Once in his room Jared planned out his attack. He did not want to shower and change because then he would become too comfortable and might actually fall asleep. Instead, he simply laid there in the bed, he knew that Ethan would come into his room soon, all these criminals were so predictable all he had to do was wait there. Jared laid his head down and closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep. 

Ethan pressed his ear to the door. He heard no sounds and thought Jared had gone to sleep. Why did Ethan do what he did? Why did he chose to kill everyone who visited his small motel? What sort of pleasure could he possibly derive from his actions? Some questions don’t have any answers.

Ethan stepped into the room once again. This time he was carrying a bigger knife because he knew he had a bigger target to murder. He approached Jared and once more whispered his name to see the fear in his eyes before he killed him. “Jared….Jared….” Unfortunately, to his surprise Jared awoke rapidly and gripped him by the throat.

“Your murder spree ends now you freak,” said Jared. He flung Ethan onto the ground and wrestled the knife from his hands. Jared quickly tied Ethan up with the bedsheets and made sure there was no way he could escape. Jared was cautious in his attacks and made sure he did not do anything that would make Ethan bleed because he did not want to stain the white sheets.

“You scum,” said Ethan. “You would’ve been the prize to my collection”

“Where do you keep the bodies?” Jared asked.

“And why should I tell you?”

“Because if you don’t…” Jared said twisting Ethan’s wrist “it’s going to cause you a lotta pain.”

“Fine, fine they’re in the cellar!” said Ethan.

“Thank You.” Jared said as he picked Ethan up and took him down to where the bodies were stowed. He opened the door and saw piles and piles of skeletons. “You freak! How many lives have you taken?” Jared asked.

“Too many to count,” Ethan said with a maniacal laugh. Disgusted, Jared threw Ethan in with his victims as he went to fetch the police.

“No wait! Don’t leave me in here with them!!” pleaded Ethan.

“This will allow you to spend time with the innocent people whom you’ve killed” said Jared.

“No please anything but this!”

“I’ll be back soon, I’m gonna go fetch the police.” Ethan scrambled over to Jared and fell at his feet begging not to be left with his victims. He screamed and shouted in terror, but it was of no use.

“Don’t do this! I won’t make it!” Ethan pleaded.

“Shut up! This is the least of your punishments you maniac!” shouted Jared. He turned out the lights and shut the door behind him walking out as Ethan continued to scream.

Jared went out quickly and drove to the station where he gathered the rest of his team. They drove back and walked into the motel. Jared led them to the cellar where he left Ethan. There was blood pouring out from under the door. “Odd, I never did anything to make him bleed,” Jared thought. As he opened the door he was shocked as he saw only the skeleton of Ethan remaining. The other skeletons were exactly where they had been before, only this time, their mouths were covered in blood.

“Jared what’s that behind you on the wall over there?” one of the officers asked. Jared turned around to see dripping red letters spell REVENGE.

The author's comments:

I am a senior at Garnet Valley High School and I wrote this short story for my English Class. I hope people will be entertained by my story and suprised by the ending. 

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