Good Witch | Teen Ink

Good Witch

March 8, 2016
By Acollier2016 BRONZE, Jackson, Kentucky
Acollier2016 BRONZE, Jackson, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Raven Bloodworth was hated among her peers, just like other families.  Her crime?  Simply her family name.  Her great-grandmother, Margaret BloodWorth-Thomason, was a witch that was accused of murdering children and infants.  Even though the infants and children mortality was extremely high during this time. 
Raven was a kind, caring, sensitive girl but with these type of emotions from her peers, she was filled her with despair and anger.  Why was she the object of so much hate and pain; something that happened more than a century ago.
One late, September day, the town’s star football player, Erik Copperfield was diagnosed with lung cancer.  Raven knew he was addicted to smoking but everyone insisted that she put a spell on him.
One day after school, she went to visit him, she was turned away by his parents.  Just as she was leaving, she noticed his bag and grabbed one of his socks as she walked out the door.  Later that night, she wrapped the sock around a voodoo doll and began sticking pins in the area of his lungs.  Within a few days, Erick had recovered.  However no one recognized her good deed.  She still felt happy that even through the hate of the world, she could use her powers for good.

The author's comments:

This is a story written from my interest.  I really am hoping to get this story, as well as others published. 

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