First Time in the Snow | Teen Ink

First Time in the Snow

March 3, 2016
By <3Kitten36<3¯&#92;_(ツ)_/¯ BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
<3Kitten36<3¯&#92;_(ツ)_/¯ BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Frederick peeks his head out of his den. He is engulfed in the light reflected off of the snow, he closes his eyes to block the sun’s rays. After re-opening them he sees his once known world covered in a white substance. Covering everything in 2 inches of pristine goodness, this is Frederick's first time seeing snow. Confused he looks around, his lungs are filled with icy air. He leaves his den, placing his fuzzy paw in the untouched mystery material. His movements  are precise and careful, calculating his steps. He plants his feet in the snow one after the other. His feet turn cold, but comfortable. Fredrick gets excited. He is now prancing through the unknown fluff. Frederick loses his balance falling on the ground. He rolls on the ground through the snow, covering his body in his new icy friend.

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