Justice | Teen Ink


February 23, 2016
By Hooper32 BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
Hooper32 BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One day, there was a guy named Gray Johnson. He really wanted a job as a cop in the city because it was his desire to stop all the bad people all around the area. He ran inside the Police Station and saw a man sitting at the front desk. He walked up to the man and asked him,
“Can I join the force?” The man got up and looked him straight in the eye.
“Why do you want to be a cop?” said the officer.
“ I want to help stop criminals, and put them in jail.” said Gray with a lot of intensity in his voice. He goes in the back of the station with the officer.
“Ok, I have some questions that I need you to answer for me, so we can see if you are worthy of this job.” said the officer. He handed him an application on a clipboard with a pencil.
“Make sure you answers these as best and honest as you can,” said the officer.

“I will let you know when I am finished,” said Gray. The officer left the room, as Gray read the first question.
“What is your first and last name?” he says in a low, toned voice. He writes “Gray” in the first name column. Then, he writes “Johnson” in the last name column. The application was longer than he thought it would be. He thought it would just be questions about him and what he would do to keep the city safe. The questions were more in detail, asking him what he would do with criminals if he caught them. It was very frustrating and new. He wasn’t used to writing such long sentences and going into a lot of detail. Gray also knew if he wanted this job, he would have to deal with it. The next question was kind of weird. This is also what he didn’t imagine being asked for.
“Do you like donuts?” he said in a confused voice. He also tried to put in best detail of how he liked donuts. He was very confused as he was writing, but he began getting used to being asked these type of questions. He kind of loved these questions; they made him want the job even more. Gray felt like he actually belonged at the police station, he felt he would be treated like family there. He tried to answer it as best, honest, and detailed as he could. He was starting the next question on the application.
“How old are you?” Gray will be turning 32 next week, so he just writes 32 in the column. The rest were questions that he was used to having  to answer, he used to do this while in High School when he was applying to become School President. It was very challenging when he was applying to become School President, but he knew this was a different situation. He answered the rest of the questions, and then gave the officer his survey.
“I will be right back to give you the results, the head chief makes all the decisions here so I have to make sure and see if he thinks you’re worthy of the position.” said the officer as he ran to give the survey to the Head Chief. After 30 minutes of waiting for the Chief’s decision, Gray was about to walk out, but then the officer comes out and said to Gray in a happy voice.

“You’re hired, Congratulations!”  Gray had a bright full smile on his face when he heard that news. He wanted this job for years now, his dream was to become part of the force. He grabs the paper, and sees the signature of the Head Chief.
“Thank you so much, you won’t regret this.” said Gray in a excited voice.
He shakes the officer’s hand and walks away from the officer. The officer yells at him while he’s walking out in a clear, loud voice.
“Your first day starts tomorrow!” Gray shakes his head to let the officer know he heard him well and clear. He gets in his car and rides home. Gray was so excited to become a cop, he was thinking about all the stuff he could as a cop. He could get free food and drinks from Coffee Shop, Donut Places, Bakeries. He could also be in what he always been dreamed of being in, and that was a high speed chase. He has always wanted to go really fast in a car to chase a criminal. He wants to be a cop who mostly stops bank, jewelry shop robberies.

“Well, tomorrow is the day I officially become a part of the force.” said Gray while lying down in his bed. He wakes up the next day, and remembers today is his first day on the job. He jumps out of bed, and runs to the bathroom to get ready for his new job.
“Well, hopefully my first day will go great.” said Gray anxiously on his way to the station.
He finally arrives at the station. He gets out and walks into the station, and he sees a box of donuts on the desk. There’s a note attached to it.
“For the New Recruit ONLY!” He said interestingly. He opens it up and takes a donut with him to the back.
“Hello there, you must be the new recruit.” said the Head Chief. Gray turns around and sees the Head Chief sitting in his chair, holding a police suit in his hand.
“Yep, that’s me!” said Gray in a very excited voice. The officer holds up a suit with a golden badge on the front pocket.
“Here is your suit,” exclaimed the Head Chief. He hands the suit to Johnson.
“Wow, this suit looks awesome.” exclaimed Gray.
He runs to the bathroom with excitement to try it on. He comes out with the suit on and is very happy that it fits him. He was talking to the Chief asking when will he be leaving for his first job. The Chief laughs and facepalms. Gray was very confused on why the Chief was laughing at him. The Chief told him that he said he only wanted to become part of the force.
Gray was so angry he walked home with a attitude, but the Chief was only joking.
“I’ll see you tomorrow I guess.” said the Chief in a sad voice.
Gray gets home and takes his suit off, puts his pajamas on and goes to sleep for the night. He wakes up and goes into the office and tells the chief he quits.
“I’m sorry but I don’t really want to be a cop,” exclaimed Gray. “I just don’t feel like it’s the job for me.”
He hands the suit over and walks out. Gray drives with some pride to at least tell them how he felt about it. He goes to sleep after a tough day. 

     THE END


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