The Adventures of AG and Hayle: The Murder | Teen Ink

The Adventures of AG and Hayle: The Murder

January 28, 2016
By hayyle BRONZE, Union, Mississippi
hayyle BRONZE, Union, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  We were packing, getting money, and extra food. "If anyone asks we're fine." we told our parents and took off. It took us four daysto get out of Texas. It took us four more days to get to our destination.

  We were in Mississippi getting breakfast. We were planning the day trying to find who killed Sammie, our sister. "We have an appointment with Dr.Johns to talk about murder and how to find out who killed her." I said "Well,I hope this works or mom wasted a lot of money," AG said.

  We left Subway to meet Dr.Johns. We arrived at the facility. We looked at the over veiw. It took about thirty minutes. We figured out that the person who killed her was one of her enemie named Elizabeth. She had a stronge hadread toured Sammie. So, we took her to court and we won. Elizabeth is now in jail, we have learnded to forgive her but we never will forget.

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