The Four Amigos | Teen Ink

The Four Amigos

January 5, 2016
By R3HAB145 BRONZE, Moses Lake, Washington
R3HAB145 BRONZE, Moses Lake, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The four of them were the last of vault 134, a vault created to test what would happen if you put ten people together with only enough food for five of them, would the sacrifice rations or would they turn on each other fighting each other for survival. First they shared, creating a sort of “Friendship” between them, then after ten years, rations started being taken from each other, feuds started. Finally, the first death happened ten years, nine months, and twelve days after the vault was sealed. Nine remained. They realized that they needed a food source other than the scraps they had. So after the eleventh year had past, the opened the vault, they figured the radiation would have decreased by then. At first, it was hard for them to comprehend what had happened to the place they had once called home. The empty houses, forest burned to ashes, the desert was engulfing the world it had seemed. Between the nine of them, they had one 10mm pistol and a few knives. The first two to set out from the vault, never returned, whether they were eaten or died of radiation was never confirmed. the last seven figured a plan that groups of three should go instead of two, they had agreed and figured the teams: Mondays it would be Julio, Kevin, and Taylor. Tuesday it would be Sean, Joey, and Liz. Then Taylor, Julio, and Mark, ect,ect. It worked for a few years, then while on a hunt Kevin was stung by a Radscorpion. Six Remained, the vaults rations were gone and the needed to rely on the desert. They packed up what belongings they had, and left the vault, the were the first people to leave the safety of the vault all together. Once the had reached the remains of an old army air base, they set up camp. Taylor had found some old assault rifles in what was left of the bases armoury, Sean had found a crashed vertibird he used as a room, Liz stayed close to Julio on the second story in the cafeteria. Joey posted himself as the group lookout and hung out on the roof. Mark and Stephen stayed by the front. That night, a ghoul, something none of them had seen before, stumbled in, along with his twenty other friends. Mark and Stephen fought the best they could using most of their ammo, having to resort to blades. the gun fire attracted more they were overrun. Everyone else made there way to the roof shooting their way through the hoard. Once on the roof, Liz didn't want to be eaten by the creatures, she threw herself off the roof, leaving Taylor, Julio, Joey, and Sean, to fight of the endless the hoard. Bullets were flying, shells covered the ground. Sean had grabbed the mini-gun off the vertibird and opened fire on the Ghouls. One by one, ammo was running out, then with the last of the hoard closing in, the four amigos charged in, Knives and axes in hand, slicing through the rotted skin like paper. they payed close attention to each other, calling out the attacks. Heads rolled, the were covered in blood and guts. Then the four stood there, looking at the aftermath of the battle, Taylor commented, “It coulda been worse,” he said with a smile. they all smirked, happy to be alive. Their lives as vault dwellers was over, their pasts didn't matter, they were wanderers, masters of the desert, the four amigos.

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