The Beowulf | Teen Ink

The Beowulf

October 22, 2015
By hellohuman BRONZE, Troy, Michigan
hellohuman BRONZE, Troy, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The metal of the blade glinted in the moonlight as Ruby swung her scythe around to face the Beowulf. It was fully-grown, not like the ones she had seen in training. With sharp needles sticking out of its back and its red eyes glowing like embers, it almost frightened her. 

But then Ruby reminded herself that this was only a Beowulf, not a big deal. After all, there were more formidable things lurking around the outskirts of the city. 

And then it lunged. Ruby took a couple practiced flips backwards. She shot a few rounds at the approximate location of its heart. She had never thought about the anatomy of any monster before; usually a few shots would take it out immediately no matter what. 

But this was different. For the first time Ruby felt she was on the defense. But this was no time to be wondering about it. She immediately swung at the wolf. It dodged.

However, time slowed and Ruby felt the blade slice through flesh for a millisecond. Pained, the wolf dodged and howled at the sky- a keening moan, enough to frighten any ordinary human. 

But Ruby wasn't ordinary. Taking advantage of the situation, she sliced mercilessly at the body of the monster, hacking and slashing and generally being destructive. 

And then it was over. Ruby knew it the second she heard a crack. She didn't bother to look at the monster; it was probably already dead.

Then, worried, she propelled herself back to the dormitory. Ugh! If only she hadn't been careless and gone off on her own...

Unluckily for her, her sister Yang was leaning on the wall outside their dorm they shared with Blake and Weiss, visibly distressed. The moment she saw Ruby she rushed over and crushed Ruby in a hug. 

"Yang... can't... breathe..."

"What were you doing, Ruby? That was ridiculous! Running off in the middle of the night... not even waking anybody up... you need your sleep...where's your responsibility?"

Then she sighed. 

"Oh, well. I guess it's ok as long as you aren't hurt. But you better be well rested in the morning or I'll punch you from here to Mistral."

Ruby took the point. 

The author's comments:

RWBY. Again. Haha. Also keep in mind she wields a scythe. It's also a high-caliber, customizable sniper rifle!

Don't ask me. Ask the people behind RWBY.

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