The Secret Life Of Tori Manuel | Teen Ink

The Secret Life Of Tori Manuel

October 28, 2015
By leetora123 BRONZE, Stanford, Kentucky
leetora123 BRONZE, Stanford, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Wicked waves huh?" Ellie asked when she came up beside me. Startled, I grinned agreeing with her. I take off running towards the beautiful blue ocean, surfboard in hand when I hear the cracking sound of... "Tori Manuel! Are you paying any attention to what's going on around you?" Mrs. Melton asked snapping her fingers in my face. Crap, I zoned out again. "Yes ma'am, I'm paying attention." I lie. My objective I do know, I have to write about a time in my life when I did something cool or risky, or went somewhere. I've never done anything like so, I go home, eat, sleep, wake up, go to school and repeat. I hear the loud scream come from the bell, signaling the end of this class. Great, one more class left then I leave this place. I walk to class thinking of what I could write about...

  I dodge as bullets fly past me. War, it's been three months since I've been here and it hasn't gotten any easier. "Where to now Sargent?" I hear another person in my platoon ask quietly. I don't know, but I won't let that show. "Let's head Northwest and attack from the side." I respond back with authority even if I'm worried. We move towards our destination swiftly, watching and listening around us to make sure there's no enemy's following. Then I hear this deafening squeal. Sounds like a... "Tori? Are you coming? It's time to go home." Said Haley, pulling me from my treacherous journey at war. Wait.. It's time to go home? Hadn't seventh block just started? I guess I should start paying attention in class. I scramble up grabbing my bags and running to my bus, praying I didn't miss it. My prayers had been heard and answered, the bus was still there and I made it just in time. I climb on the the bus searching for an empty seat to sit by myself. I find one and sit down happily, I pull my headphones out to listen to music and wait to get home...

  I flip through the air off of the uneven bars doing three flips in a row, I know this is just a practice run but I do my best to get everything right and some might say I over achieve but really I'm just achieving. I smile when my hands smack back down on the bar with a soft sting. I flip around the bars a few more time before I begin the hardest dismount I've ever attempted. I flip backwards through the air and everything just feels like it is going in slow motion, giving me time to think about what will happen if I don't land this. I could break a leg, a wrist, my back or neck, ruining my career as a gymnast. I see the ground approaching quickly I hope I get this. I then hit the ground with a smack on my... "We are here hun, it's time to get off the bus." I hear my bus driver say softly pulling me from my heart racing gymnast experience. I smile and get off the bus, so glad to be home I think to myself. I go inside to find my mom cooking my favorite thing, porkchops. I greet her and go to my room to take a quick nap, I change into my pajamas and lie down quickly before my mom could come in and tell me to get up. Too late…

I smile at the flashing lights and screaming fans as I sing the chorus to my favorite song I had written, Therapy,  I sing and listen to my fans sing along with me. In that moment I couldn’t be anymore proud, my fans, or no my friends singing along to something I had created. I had never thought I could be here, with millions of friends there for me and to support me. “Thank you all for all you do, you are the reason I do all of this. I owe it all to my friends, you guys. You all have a good night!” I tell the crowd appreciatively. I walk off stage hearing all of the screams of the crowd I honestly love what I do. “Tori! Tori! Tori! Tori!” The crowd yells… “Tori!” My mom snaps me out of my little day dream. “Get up like I said twenty minutes ago!” I can’t believe it's been twenty minutes. I get out of bed ready to face the wrath of my upset parents. I sit down to eat with my family being greeted with the angry expressions on my parents faces “Why do you zone out so much Tori?” My dad asks somewhat concerned. I really don’t do it on purpose, but I am a small town girl who doesn’t do much. Why can’t I just be hit with the opportunity to do something great?  Like I want to go out of state for a mission, or something cool so I wouldn’t have to make up this big lie for my English paper. “I don’t know dad, I guess I just get caught up thinking about what I could do with my life.” I answer back truthfully. I look at my mom and dad to see they were having a silent conversation. Probably about me, but they looked like they were arguing so I don’t know what I could have done this time. My mom gets up from the table to get into one of our cabinets, pulling out a piece of paper and she told me “Read this carefully and we will talk about it, okay?” What could it be? I read the top of the papers “Looking for photographers”...

I climb up on this big rock, camera in hand ready to take a picture of an extremely rare white lion. I snap the camera right when I step on a twig, gaining the attention of the lion. Scared, I stand completely still hoping maybe it would just turn around and run away from me. That’s the thing about this job, you have to be swift, quiet, and still. If not you could end up in my situation and could possibly be eaten by a lion. I hear a low growl come from the giant beast, it takes a step closer to me looking me straight in the eyes. I’m thinking maybe I should have just taken the pictures from further away, I can’t outrun a giant cat it would get me in a second. I hold my breath as it continues to walk closer to me. It roars loudly and jumps through the air right towards me when… “Tori, what do you think? Do you want to go to Florida and take pictures for a portfolio to maybe go in your college application?” My mom brings me to the fact this could be real. Yes! A thousand time yes I want to do this, it would be a dream come true. “Yeah mom, I would love to. If that is it’s okay with you guys.” I look at dad with hope in my eyes. “I think it would be a good opportunity for you.” My dad responds while my mom nods in agreement. I grin from ear to ear and give my parents the biggest hug I think I could manage. “Thank you thank you thank you!” I squeal, running to my room to get some sleep. Maybe I found something for my English paper…

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by the short story The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty by James Thurber. I was instructed to write a similar piece related to that story in my 11th grade English class.

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