Mighty Midnight Saves Agian | Teen Ink

Mighty Midnight Saves Agian

October 12, 2015
By kamisha BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
kamisha BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a bright, early morning. Mighty Midnight was outside doing her daily chores, as she was watching the sunrise come over the  hill on the other side of the big silo on the farm. She could hear the clucking sound of the chickens as they ran to get their food and the delicious scent of the homemade peach cobbler her friend, Metal Woman, was making in the house. As she was watching the sunrise when a shooting star went shooting through the sky and reminded her of when she was being born and the huge earthquake that made a trench underneath Mighty Midnight and her mother and they fell into the trench and her mother died. The only thing that saved Mighty Midnights life was a shooting star that landed on her. Mighty Midnight went back inside and sat down at the kitchen table with her friend, Metal Woman, and just started to eat a piece of peach cobbler when her phone rang. She picked up her phone and it was the sheriff. He said

     "We need some help Mighty Midnight for the past 3 days. Somebody has been running through New York City killing people and their animals for no reason. And we don't know who the mastermind behind all this is. We need your help we have been trying to figure it out and we are not getting anywhere. Everyday the more we wait and try to find out anything on who is doing this they slip right through our fingers and kill more and more people and animals."

Mighty Midnight said

          "Ok ok calm down I'll be there in just a minute I'm on my way right now."

           Mighty Midnight flew upstairs to her room as fast as she could and changed into her superhero uniform. Then she flew back downstairs, told her friend Metal Women where she was going and then she took off. Right before Mighty Midnight made it out the door Metal Woman yelled

         " Mighty Midnight wait, you forgot your utility belt on the kitchen table."
      Metal Woman grabbed Mighty Midnights utility belt and tossed it to her and said be careful if you need any help give me a call and I'll come there to help you right away.

Mighty Midnight caught her utility belt and said to Metal Woman "thanks and if I need you I will let you know."

Metal Woman nodded and Mighty Midnight ran out the door like a lightning bolt.

Mighty Midnight flew through the air and saw the police standing outside the police station in New York talking so she landed on the ground right beside them.

The main sheriff saw Mighty Midnight and said to her,

"thank goodness you are here."

Mighty Midnight said,

"Yep I'm here and ready to figure out who the mastermind is."

The sheriff chuckled and said, "You always have been ready to solve a crime."

They all laughed. Then Mighty Midnight asked “what kind of clues did you guys figure out so far?”

They said, "Well we know that when the villain strikes he or she is going to where there is multiple people and animals and taking down multiple at a time."

Mighty Midnight said, "Ok, where was the last place the villain striked?"

The sheriff said, "Well, the last known place we know of is Central Park."

Mighty Midnight nodded and said," Ok, I got it from here. I will call me some back up and I will get started right away."

Mighty Midnight got out her phone and called up her best friends Panther Man, Metal Woman, and Mr.Magic to come help her and to meet her on top the Statue of Liberty . When her friends got there she told them all the information the sheriff told her.  Mighty Midnight and her friends decided to lay low for a day or so that way they could try to find more clues about the villain and how to stop him or her.

Mighty Midnight and her friends checked into the plaza hotel and went to their room and turned on the news. The news said chaos in Madison Square as the Midnight Terror strikes again.

Mighty Midnight said to her friends let’s go we have to go help and we will see if we can find any more clues while we are there.

By the time Mighty Midnight and her friends got there the villain had already escaped. The only thing left was all the people, this time all alive, and a note that read

“I know you are searching for me but you will never find me. Everyday you look for me I will kill twice as many people and animals so you better give up or you’re going to hurt not only you and your friends but a lot of other people as well'. At the bottom right hand corner written very small was a S with a line diagonally through the center.

Mighty Midnight had seen that symbol before but couldn't remember where. She asked her friends and they had seen it too. But they didn't think it was important so they always skipped over it.

Mighty Midnight and her friends went to the hotel and did some research on the mysterious symbol that none of them could remember. That same night Mighty Midnight and her friends had the news on once more and this time the Midnight Terror struck in Times Square. Mighty Midnight and her friends took off as fast as they could and got there before the villain left but the villain had a mask on so they couldn't identify who it was. Mighty Midnight and her friends surrounded the villain but just as soon as they went to jump in and grab the villain, they threw a smoke bomb on the ground and disappeared.

But as Mighty Midnight was standing there when the masked villain was too, she saw the same S with a diagonal line through it that was on the card. So they looked around for any clues that they might find, but they didn't find anything. They went back home and went to bed and for the next couple of days there was no sign of the villain.

Then on the third day the villain was in city hall. When Mighty Midnight and her friends got there the villain had already killed many people and animals. And every time the villain killed he would hide and take them by surprise. Then Mighty Midnight remembered, the symbol was the first initial that stood for the Stealthy Killer and she knew exactly how to catch him now that she knew who it was. She gathered her friends in a circle and told them that they had to use his best ability against him. She told Mr. Magic to distract him and Panther Man to get a big cloth and Metal Woman to come with her.

When Panther Man got back with the big cloth she told Mr. Magic to go distract him and Mighty Midnight and Metal Woman went behind him with the big cloth as Mr. Magic was distracting him.  They threw the cloth over his head to cover his eyes and keep him from getting away. Mighty Midnight and Metal Woman kept him on the ground, and Mighty Midnight gave her phone to Panther Man and told him to call the police. When the police got there they uncovered Stealthy Killers head and put hand cuffs on him, took his mask off, and put him in jail till his court date to find out his actual punishment.

Before the police left, the sheriff came over and told Mighty Midnight and her friends,

“Thank you for getting this guy off the streets. Now maybe this city can go back and be peaceful once more.”

They all said,” you’re welcome. It was our pleasure.” Then Mighty Midnight told Panther Man, Mr. Magic, and Metal Woman, “Thanks for helping me. They said your welcome and Panther Man and Mr. Magic went back to their houses. And Mighty Midnight and Metal Woman went back to Mighty Midnights house together. When they got back to the house Mighty Midnight sat down at the kitchen table and finished her piece of peach cobbler.


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