The Ultimate Punishment | Teen Ink

The Ultimate Punishment

October 12, 2015
By Anonymous

As you walk out the main lobby door to your apartment you can hear the buzzing and beeping of the cars on the main roads. The chilly breeze brushes against your face. It’s relaxing, you aren’t tense or scared. You feel safe. But the only reason you feel safe is because you have the best heroes around in your city. They live in the back of your city’s best sub shop. During the day they seem to be normal people but at night they save many lives and put more people where they belong, JAIL!  Both the parents of these heroes were murdered by an evil mastermind named Mabel. Ever since Mabel did this to their parents Barbie and Cobra have been determined to find Mable and put her in jail. Barbie’s parents beat her as she grew up. Her parents were  criminals. They murdered, stole, and scammed people, but no matter what they did to her or other people she loved them very much. Cobra’s backstory is way different than Barbie’s. He had very wealthy parents that treated him the best that they could, they bought him anything he wanted. Although her parents weren’t very good, they shouldn’t have been killed. Neither of Cobra’s parent should have been killed either, especially since they were good people. But Mable could care less about what kind of people they were. She just killed whoever she wanted.
After a long day at work, Barbie and Cobra go out after most people are home and try their best to stop as much crime as possible in Waverly Place. While they were out they saw a different kind of criminal in the alley. They didn't understand why Mabel would come back to Waverly Place though. Their attempt to fly up to her failed because she was gone in the blink of an eye. Barbie and Cobra took a few days to think about why Mabel would come. Especially since she killed their parents. During that time Barbie was trying to calm Cobra down while he raged over seeing Mabel. But, Barbie and Cobra went out and searched all of Waverly Place for Mabel, but Mabel was gone.
She went home to her castle in Gravity Falls. Back at Gravity Falls Mabel was planning how she want to murder Barbie and Cobra. She was trying to figure out a way to get Barbie and Cobra to Gravity Falls without drawing too much attention to herself, because last time she made a mistake while murdering Barbie and Cobra's parents. She made a bad decision of killing their parents right in front of the sub shop.
Barbie and Cobra were both working really hard to find Mabel,but of course nothing worked. While they thought, they went all over the planet, but they missed one little island. The two heroes didn't figure that out till they had given up on defeating any other villains in the streets of Waverly Place.
Because Barbie and Cobra aren't fighting crime in the streets anymore, Mabel starts to watch them very closely. Still trying to figure how to get them to Gravity Falls. She thinks of a few ways to get them to Gravity Falls, but all of the ways that she thinks of would get her caught.
“This is not very exciting of a life anymore now that we have stopped all the crimes except find, Mabel” Barbie complained.
“I know right! I wish we could just find Mabel and kill her right on the spot” said Cobra.
After a while, Barbie and Cobra remembered that they forgot one little island in the Atlantic Ocean. Barbie and Cobra both set out to search the island. They packed very few clothing items so that the fly there would be as easy as possible.
Two days later…
“I see land, Cobra!”
“Sweet! I’m so tired I could like sleep forever!”
“Same here!”
The two of them started walking towards the nearest building. Everything looked as sweet as sugar. Although it looks like the sweetest town around, it’s like that to cover up all the secrets the bright colored mansions have.
The two of them started searching and finally they spotting Mabel. They sneak around a few both and surprise attack her and Ken from the back. Luckily they were standing by The Falls and fought them for a while. They fought verbally and physically until finally Cobra and Barbie pushed both of the villains of the edge of the cliff. All of the two heroes problems were basically solved after that. So, they went ahead and flew on home.

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