Like A Dream | Teen Ink

Like A Dream

October 15, 2015
By JuliaVanHouten BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
JuliaVanHouten BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up in paradise; the sound of crashing waves, and the smell of salty water made me wake up with gusto every morning.
My name is Cole Dawson; I am on the football and basketball team all throughout high school. My parents were very strict about the sports that I played; they both always wanted me to do my best. And if I had ever screwed that up they would probably kill me. I was their only son, and my parents wanted me to do something important in my life and that was sports.
I was tall, blonde headed, had some muscle here and there, I had blue eyes, and apparently amazing eyelashes, that’s what all the girls said. I guess you could say I get all the ladies but some people think differently.
I also had a best friend named Dre. He was like a brother to me. I told him everything, and he told me everything. Dre lived with me in California, because his family left him. Dre didn’t know exactly why. His parents beat him as a kid, a couple years ago. They went to counseling and other places to help his parents become better at taking care of them. And after all the hard work they put into to become better parents, Dre’s little sister Julie pasted way from a car accident. His family was very depressed for a long period of time and that’s why Dre thinks his parents left. But that was five years ago.
  He had no other family so we took him into ours. That’s why we are so close.
Being in high school and also being immature boys we did a lot of “bad” things together. We’ve got the cops called on us for a few things like plastic wrapping a parking lot full of cars, spray painting the sides of a few houses and driveways. We also  teapeeed, egged, forked, and spray painted our coaches house, because he made Dre and I run five miles during football practice for goofing off.  Which is why I’m here with my grandparents staying at their beautiful home in Hawaii.
My parents got very mad at me and Dre for doing the things we did to our coach’s house so they sent me and him to our grandparent’s house for a while. We both didn’t know how long a “while” was going to be but we knew we were going to be here for a long time which isn’t bad I guess.
I actually like it better here. I don’t have anyone to tell me what to do, besides my grandparents but they’re pretty chill people, and also very kind people. My grandpa was like my best friend in a way. Sometimes it seems like he is my age and just one of my friends that I can tell anything to. My grandpa was pretty tall and had an afro like grey hair. She was always somewhere besides at her house. There are so many places you can go in Hawaii and she wanted to go to all of those places. She was always up for adventure.
   Their house was only one story high, yellow, and pretty modern for a house in Hawaii. It  had a circular pool in the backyard, and the cool part was, when you looked over the side of their stone fence outlining the sides of the pool there was  a huge hole or creator, because their house was on the side of a volcano.  The volcano was never active, Inside the creator was a little yellow house.
Dre and I woke up and went down the wooden hallway that leads to the kitchen. Grandma was already up cooking eggs and bacon for us, like she did every morning.
“Good morning boys, want some bacon?”
“Good morning, and of course I would.” Said Dre
Grandma handed us both a plate full of crispy brown bacon and yellow salty eggs.
“So what are you up to today?”
“I think we might go swimming at the beach or something.” I said
“Well before you boys came down here grandpa built a wooden raft for you guys to go fishing on or whatever at the beach. It’s laying almost at the shore in the sand path.”
The sand path is a walkway that leads from my grandma’s house to the beach. And it’s covered in sand.
“Alright, sounds like our day is planned out.”
We finished eating our eggs and bacon and went to our rooms down the hallway to put on our swim trunks. We said bye to grandma and walked down the sand path and to the beach.
Right when we walked out of the path we saw the large squared wooden raft grandpa had built us. The raft had four blue plastic barrels filled with air underneath the platform of wood to keep it a float, and on the side of the raft was a bucket that had little mini black and white fishing poles.
Dre and I hopped on the rafted and pulled it into the ocean and paddled out.
Looking underneath us as we were paddling out, in the crystal clear water we saw beautiful colorful fish with spots and strips; some just plan, but beautiful.
“Hey Cole look over there.”
Dre was pointing at a long green eel with black and yellow spots.
“I love this place,” said Cole lying down on the raft looking at the bright blue sky.
We were out on the wavy water for about twenty more minutes when we were getting a little motion sickness and wanted to head home for a nap.
I got home and walked straight to my bed and fell asleep in my nice comfy new bed grandpa bought for me knowing I was coming to see them.
I woke up on the wooden raft with Dre. I had no idea what was going on. I looked all around me and saw nothing but clear water. I flipped out.
“Dre! Dre! Dre! Wake up!”
“What, on my gosh I’m trying to sleep.”
Dre opened his eyes looking all around him in shock not knowing what was going on either.
“Please tell me this is a joke,” I said shaking in fear of what he was going to say.
“I was going to ask you the same thing.”
Dre and I were on the raft screaming and crying not knowing what was going to happen to us.
We were starving even though we had only been on the raft for about an hour but it felt like days.
“I’m going to die,” said Dre
“Oh my gosh! No, you’re not, you will be fine. We will be fine. Both of us just need to get food and find land or a boat or something.”
Dre chuckled sarcastically, “Ha where are we going to find food?”
I looked around the raft and remembered the small bucket full of fishing poles.
“The fishing poles Dre!” I said jumping up and down on the raft.
“Thank the lord! Oh my gosh, I thought we were going to starve.”
We both grabbed a fishing pole and looked down on the rope.
“We don’t have any bait Cole.” Dre said with disappointment.
I strode there thinking and thought of the time I was watching one on those adventure shows and the guy used his skin as bait.
“Well, I will use my skin, I saw it on Animal Planet before I’ll be fine.” I said a little bit more happily then I should have had.
“You’re kidding right?”
“You want food don’t you?”
“Fine. But there’s no way I’m peeling off my skin.”
I took the rusted sharp hook and placed it on my thumb. I started gliding the hook over my finger pushing it downward. I was shaking and this point and kept going. Blood was dripping down my hand, and I relied I went a little too far.
“Ow!” I screamed.
I scared myself with the thought of the hook going down through my flesh.
“Dude, you’re screwed.”
I knew Drew would say something like that, I had the urge to show him right into the water and say the same thing to him.
I still had the hook deep into my skin; I was already in so much pain I just ripped it out. Blood flew everywhere. A piece of flesh way dangling on the hook.
“Yes!” i looked at Dre smiling and he smiled back.
I dropped the hook into the water hoping a fish woke bite any second.
We were waiting on the raft for a while with no fish. I looked over at dress blasted dried face. He looked horrible.
I was laying there looking around the raft. In the distance I saw a boat.
“Dre wake up! There’s a boat! There’s a boat!”
“Oh my gosh!” Dre said in excitement knowing there was hope.
We waked our hands with all our energy left in us, and we screamed at the top of our lungs.
And the boat started coming our way.
The boat was pretty big. It looked like it had several men on it. The boat came closer and closer and those were not men on the boat, they were guns.
I looked over at Dre’s eyes; he was staring at the guns as they got closer to the boat.
“Oh my God, we are really are going to die.”
The boat pulled right in front of our raft. The guy on the boat was tan, brown eyed, and had a long round beard.
“Good afternoon boys, want a ride?” the man said with a smirk.
He grabbed me and dre by the collars of our shirts and dragged us onto the boat.
“Let go of me! Let go!”
“Ha you’re a weak boy aren’t you?” as he threw Dre onto one of the corners of the boat. He threw me right onto Dre and wiped out two pistols, swung it right at me and Dre’s head. I looked at dre, and closed my eyes.
Then I woke up. Looked around me. I was in my bed. My soft cozy bed my grandpa just bought me. And I saw Dre at the end of my bed.
“You must have had a bad dream.”

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